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Legacy books: star wars sacrifice (spoiler warning) do not read unless you don't want to be spoiled.
Meh. I've read the old Han Solo novels. I think I might have read Zahn (sp?)'s trilogy. That's all the SW novels I ever bothered with. I care not for the EU.

Not knowing that your thread title was the name of a new book, I was wondering if someone pulled an Immolation Suicide move to protest the OOT not being on DVD in acceptable quality!
"Archiving seminar reveals 'Star Wars' tidbit?" Another SE?!
Originally posted by: Fang Zei
If we do get the OOT in remastered shape for this year, I actually hope GL just goes crazy with the latest SE version. Looking at it in an even broader perspective, it could put an interesting spin on the whole debate within the fandom, but I'll get to that in a moment.

I think if he's going to do it then he really should just go hog wild. Put Gungans in rebel flight uniforms and as part of ground forces. There should be some Jar-Jar cameos. In fact, C-3PO should be replaced by Jar-Jar in some spots. Add a second shockwave ring into the Death Star explosions, etc. Anything that finally convinces the general populace that constant revision of movies reduces their impact and importance.
The Merits of the Prequel Trilogy and the "Saga"
Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic
The theory that Midichlorians are somwhow sentient on their own is a theory that is only presented by Qui-Gon. And when Qui-Gon is talking about having Anakin tested further, Yoda seems to disagree with his "beliefs" when he says: "revealed your opinion is".

Gotcha. I missed that point. Again, it's been a while since I've seen TPM in its entirety, which I've been trying to rectify over the past couple of days.

See, Go-Mer, these are the kinds of debates and conversations I like having. I still say you post too much, but I do dig debating facets of the story in this fashion.
The Merits of the Prequel Trilogy and the "Saga"
I edited my above post after doing a bit of research on the screenplay. I'll verify its validity in the film itself tonight.

Also, if the correlation is just a theory, then it would have been presented that way in the film. It was not. Again, I state that if that were the case then Lucas presented it poorly in the film and for the sake of WTF-itis, the scenes should have been excised. They were not, so here we are. Within the context of the film, Midichlorians == Force sensitivity.
The Merits of the Prequel Trilogy and the "Saga"
Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic
I honestly think that by assuming what Lucas means, you are the one limiting your own perception of the Force.

I mean obviousy Qui-Gon is presented as a loose cannon in the Jedi order. A Jedi who rarely goes along with the status quo.

Why would his beleifs rank as provable fact in your mind?

Because there's an established test for Midichlorians. Because Obi-Wan is able to pull up comparitive Midichlorian counts on a non-Jedi starcruiser's computer. If not comparative, then at the least non-Jedi starships' computers are able to perform a Midichlorian count on a blood sample, meaning that Midichlorians are common enough that they are regularly tested for presumably by a ship's Medical subsystem. Also, Obi-Wan knows how high Yoda's count is. If Qui-Gon is such a loose cannon then why are these other items presented as fact? If Qui-Gon has performed modifications to the ship's Medical subsystems to account for Midichlorians then why was this not presented in the film?

Because he didn't. Edit: Now, I'm taking this from the script, since I haven't seen the latter half of the film in a while - I re-watched the first half last night, intend on watching the second half tonight. But in the script, both Yoda and Mace Windu verify that Midichlorians == Force sensitivity. It's not a theory, it's not Qui-Gon being a loose cannon. It is explicitly stated in the latter portion of the screenplay. I'll verify tonight that it is mentioned within the context of the film.

I am referring specifically to the interchanges in the Jedi Council chambers where Qui-Gon tells the other Jedi about Anakin's exceptionally high Midichlorian count, and the scene after the testing where Mace Windu states "His cells contain a high concentration of midi-chlorians." to which Yoda confirms "The Force is strong with him." Now it could be argued that both things could have been tested for. If that were the case then that would have been stated in the film. The context of the conversation explicitly indicates causality. One == the other.

To reiterate:

Originally posted by: DeathTongue
In film, due to the compressed nature of its storytelling, as much of what appears on the screen must be dedicated to the story. By including a scene about these never-before-mentioned Midichlorians in TPM, Lucas is implicitly stating "This is important."

By not including scenes refuting its importance, and then completely ignoring Midichlorians until one throw-away line in ROTS, having the scene in TPM works even less. So what was served by including it? I do understand what he was trying to do in the scene - provide a hard scientific (within the context of the film) basis for Force sensitivity and inheritance. I just think he handled it poorly and the story of the PT would not have been lessened, in fact would have been more acceptable, if he had just deleted it altogether.
The Merits of the Prequel Trilogy and the "Saga"
Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic
I think if we take just what is given to us in the films, we can figure out what we think the "real deal" is, and I think that's what Lucas intends. He said once that answering the mysteries of life isn't as important as questioning them.

In my opinion, by mentioning them in the context of the story of the films he is saying otherwise. He is saying "guys, here is an answer" not "guys, keep questioning the nature of The Force." If he's trying to be ambiguous about it, then why include Midichlorians in the PT in the first place? It was plenty ambiguous (and magical) before.

Something about the whole Midichlorian scene in TPM just seems wrong somehow. In film, due to the compressed nature of its storytelling, as much of what appears on the screen must be dedicated to the story. By including a scene about these never-before-mentioned Midichlorians in TPM, Lucas is implicitly stating "This is important."

Okay, so why? If it's because he wants us to still believe that The Force is a mystical energy channeled by a few monks (as in the OT), then this does not serve that story purpose. If that was the case then the scene should have been left out in favour of a speech more in line with the Ben-Luke conversation in ANH. If it's because he wants to explain the hereditary nature of Force sensitivity, then okay - but I still believe it's a very ham-handed approach to it. That single scene to me robs The Force of a lot of its mysticism. By defining it scientifically/biologically, it is less magical. I'd rather he would have explained the heredity in a way that maybe indicates that people who have a great destiny before them are more Force sensitive. Hence, the Force runs strong in the Skywalker family because they are destined for greatness.

I don't really like the inverse, the Skywalker family is destined for greatness because the Force runs strong in them. Not sure why, it just doesn't sound right to me.

Explaining why the force runs strongly in any terms other than fate/destiny lessens the power of the story, IMO.
Question about 6-channel audio editing
FWIW, I got a copy of Premiere Pro working and it can indeed edit M2V files. It cannot import .AC3 audio files (though apparently can export them). I haven't quite figured it out yet, I need to do a bit more reading, but apparently it builds a 5.1 channel "submix" from other sound sources so if I split the .AC3 file I've got to 6 mono sound files I should be laughing, once I learn how to build the "submix".
The Merits of the Prequel Trilogy and the "Saga"
Originally posted by: Tiptup

Unfortunately, after learning more about the issue, I’m fairly certain that George wants them to be physical and stuck in our cells like bacteria, and that detracts from what the force once was. You need to now be an arbitrary mutation whose living cells are advanced enough to tolerate more of this type of bacteria. Jedi are merely supermen.

Well, to be fair, it would explain comments in the OOT that indicate force sensitivity was hereditary. I'm not saying I like the idea of Midichlorians, I prefer that The Force be something mystical and unexplainable but I see the Midichlorian stuff as one of George's attempts to further explain the Star Wars universe. I just don't see The Force as something that requires explanation. I think it bogs down the story, and as has been elsewhere noted here, lessens the power of The Force by taking away a lot of its wonder.

Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: auximenies

Some people, myself included, have read the threads here for some time prior to signing up and have a very good sense of what has gone on around here.

I'm with you. I had been lurking since this spring. I also agree that the feel of the board changed dramatically when Go-Mer started (and never stopped) posting.

Oh, and James?

Originally posted by: JamesEight BitStar

A URL is just a location, not a descriptor. If I live on Smith Street, it doesn't mean my last name is Smith.

Really? Try going to www.nakedladies.com to discuss Star Wars with like-minded people. I go there to look at jubblies (For the record I don't know if that site exists, but if it does it's probably NWS and you probably don't want to go there on work time - I just didn't want to vulgar up the post with more accurate URLs).
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
I'm not saying shut up. I'm saying just tone it down, man! Seriously how would the signal to noise ratio here be altered if I responded to every single one of your posts with something like "The green bunny guy from the old SW comics should have been in all of the movies!"? People would get very quickly annoyed with my bunny-love. If I respected the community I'd cut down on it. Maybe I'd make the odd longer-form post about how awesome he is to spark some CONTAINED discussions. But I certainly wouldn't be doing it in every thread. And not for 666 posts within my first two months of signing up here.

If I didn't respect the community then I'd be a flame-baiting troll and I really just wouldn't care.
Question about 6-channel audio editing
I've been following the instructions located in the "Ranch" thread to rip and start re-editing The Phantom Menace for my personal enjoyment. I've done editing work in older versions of Premiere before, but I've got a couple of questions.

I've ended up with a .m2v video file - do newer versions of Premiere support this?

I also ripped the AC3 sound mix to play around with. If I break it apart to 6 mono WAV files for editing in SoundForge or something like that, how do I recombine it so that I can add the sound file into Premiere - also do newer versions of Premiere support AC3 files? The older version I have I think only takes .WAV files.

Thanks for any help!
Jedi as ninja
Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic
Nick and co came up with different styles for each character that fit their character's personalities. You don't know about all of the detail he put into it without looking beyond the films, but the resulting film duels do bear out these chracteristics.

So other than the principal actors, which characters had a personality?

Please, all, no LOL MANNEQUIN SKYWALKER HURRRR responses. I genuinely am curious because other than Our Heroes (tm) I felt all of the secondary characters to be basically cardboard cutouts of guys in robes holding lightsabres.

Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Gomer, I think perhaps you would be less "demonized" if you CUT DOWN ON THE AMOUNT THAT YOU FUCKING POST!!!

Seriously. You have a differing viewpoint. Awesome. The world is a diverse place and you are a beautiful and unique snowflake. But you would find that people would dislike you less if you didn't try to cram that viewpoint down everyone's throats by constantly posting in every thread.

Sure, you feel the need to defend yourself. But you wouldn't need to if you would go about posting more sensably. Don't respond to everything. All you do by doing that is fan flames, get everyone riled up so they attack you further, which you feel you need to defend against, and so on and so on. Your holier than thou attitude during your defensive posts does nothing to defuse these situations.

Unless, of course, you are indeed a troll. Given your posting history here (and on other boards), I'm growing more and more inclined to believe that.
Star Wars most inconsistent plot point, in my opinion: Star Wars Lethal Alliance game
Originally posted by: TiptupNot at all. The last scene with Darth Vader before you see him on the Star Destroyer has him walking outside onto a landing platform. He's stomping and his voice oozes with anger and frustration as he says, "Prepare my shuttle." That was gorgeous.

Crap, you're right. I completely forgot about that.

Star Wars most inconsistent plot point, in my opinion: Star Wars Lethal Alliance game
Theoretically, to smooth it out I'd just have Vader asking for his shuttle. MAYBE the shot of him walking out to it on the landing platform. Removing the flight to the Star Destroyer and the docking scene would restore a lot of the original's pacing while providing the spelling-out of where Vader's going.

I still see it as unnecessary, but since Lucas doesn't I could see that as an alternative to breaking up the pacing of the Falcon's escape.