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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

Hal 9000 said:

FWIW, here’s my current intended cutlist for an edit of THE LAST JEDI. Of course, any of these may or may not be feasible once I actually have the ripped film to address in a NLE.

  • Reign in the SNL opening with Poe and Hux.

  • Remove or trim BB8’s wack-a-mole repairs (as part of broader effort to remove ‘Droids’ stuff, just like in AOTC and ROTS)

  • Only because I’d already be editing the film at this point and not because this is in any way called for, try to have the first scene with Luke appear overcast as TFA was. Whatever filter used to achieve this could be gradually faded out over the course of the sequence.

  • Somehow remove Maz’s Battlefront Skype call, if at all possible.

  • Possibly replace ignition sound of Anakin’s lightsaber. (I do not recall whether this is needed, and a close re-listen to TFA showed me that they appear to have blended the original ignition sound with a new sound, which I can accept. If that’s the case in TLJ, that’ll work. If not, I plan to replace the ignition sound with that from TFA. I do, however, recall the quick red-guard headshot sound effect as being a non-ignition sound effect, which I will leave alone because I understand why its like that.)

  • Keep the scene with Chewie about to eat a porg, though remove the final porg giving him the sad eyes.

  • If deleted scenes make this possible, give Rey her promised third lesson from Luke.

  • Undecided on removing the entire horse chase. If so, simply have Finn and Rose follow DJ out of the cell and we will revisit them later already in hyperspace. If the horse chase stays, perhaps cut away from DJ after he asks BB8, “Did you do this?” in order to remove more ‘Droids’ stuff. If the horse chase stays, either remove the final scene with broom boy, or else just remove the closeup with the ring.

  • Remove BB8 commandeering an AT-ST, and ensuing jog toward an escape shuttle.

  • Remove Poe’s “big ass door.” Hopefully that shot is static, so a simple crossfade or similar trickery will make it work, saying “Let’s just hope that door holds out,” or whatever the exact line is.

  • Similarly, remove Finn’s unnecessary line about the battering ram being “old Death Star tech.” (Let’s never reference the Death Star in another ‘saga’ film ever again.)

  • I’ll ask anyone here who is willing, to stabilize the crate Luke sits down on while talking with Leia. The filmmakers bothered to not have him physically interact with the ground, or make walking foley sounds, so this seems like a small but positive change to make. (You just gotta do stuff like this while you’ve got everything cracked open.)

  • Remove the porg smacking against the Falcon window.

  • Possibly remove the dice from the end. I guess it’s there to make you think Luke is physically present, then Leia leaves them behind, and then they disappear? I don’t know. It was one last thing to not understand in the movie. (Just kidding; the Jedi texts make a split second cameo after this point. Speaking of them, I won’t remove them because I’m sure they’ll play a role in XI, and people will ask how Rey has them just like people ask where 3PO’s red arm went in VIII.)

Unfortunately, I don’t really have any forthcoming ideas for real creativity aside from just removing things. I’m sure ideas will float up to our collective consciousness in time.

This! This is amazingly exactly what I was thinking! If you could only replace the stupid horse dogs with tauntauns. It would be pretty badass. And get rid of Laura Dern lol.