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Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

hinventon said:

I think I can hear it slightly, it’s not that noticeable but right before Anakin says that line it sounds like a transition that needs to be faded a little more. Also, this may just be my display, but I noticed a sort of fuzzyness on the video, like the grain is too big? Here’s a pic from that scene, you can kind of see it in Mace’s saber. Idk, I just kept noticing it while I was skimming through.


Yeah, its when the I need him audio track initially plays, its subtle if you don’t have the volume up you probably wouldn’t notice it, I was watching it on my TV with my surround sound system as I generally listen to movies like a cinema so in a louder playback it was pretty noticeable, but with how well the edit is done its a very minor issue, how you worked the extra scenes from ahsoka in was really good, absolutely loved it. Even though some may disagree about the last time seeing anakin/vader is when the mask goes on, I feel it fits the ending well.

Thank you for all the effort you put into your fan edits ❤️

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

Watched RoS, overall I enjoyed it, i always enjoy your pacing / editing it matches what i enjoy in movies so well. There was only one part i noticed that had a slight audio issue (i have a decent stereo system so it was really jarring for me) 1:03:57 when anakin says “i need him” when that audio track starts it makes a click or something like that. other than that, awesome edit its going to sit as my preferred version 😃

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

I have watched the work print of AotC, overall I really enjoyed it. I think the only thing that threw me off was 1h16m24s, Anakin jumps up, slices the still active arm then instantly jumps to everything being deactivated and him captured, just felt a little jarring, the instant drop of padme felt slightly weird but I don’t know if her being trapped. Anakin getting captured then her being dropped and surrounded would work better. I’ve assumed you have tried some different things there. Apart from the ending of this part, everything else was really enjoyable ❤️

Return of the Jedi Renewed (released)

Thank you for the link!

Download went smooth and I watched it once it completed.

I have really enjoyed what you have done with rotj, this is now apart of my personal starwars “cannon” that I lie to myself about being how they are now 😛

The enhancements you have made are outstanding and really bring the movie to a more modern feel it honestly blew me away.
The film feels really well streamlined, and all the little cuts and the changes you have done to dialogue, really round it out super well.
I don’t think I noticed any edits at all, sound additions were a great addition and blended well.
My favourite part is how much more menacing you made palpatine feel during the final battle with Vader. His eyes, the sounds just made him feel terrifying the way you have perfected that entire section…Unreal


Barge fight scene, the frame you reused for after han hits boba and he flies up just felt slightly off, as chewie was sitting down on the right hand side of han, bobas jetpack gets hit, flies up in the air then chewie is standing on the left side of han while han is looking around.

Then a really, really minor thing at 29.19 on the barge fight, where Luke kicks nothing just looks slightly weird.

But this is by far the best return of the Jedi I’ve seen, it’s absolutely awesome! Thank you so much for making it and giving me the opportunity to see it even writing this Im just stunned how perfect you made it. I hope your super proud of your work because… Awesome.