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Original Jurassic Park Trilogy 35mm Preservation Project

RU.08 said:

DarthWasabbi said:

A Discord Server. How quaint!

You weren’t banned from my Discord, you quit and burned bridges with everyone you knew who gave you a chance.

Burnt bridges on purpose because that place was toxic, and vile. There’s a reason why I deleted every damn message there, and bounced the fuck out. You’ll never know.
Good riddance.

JURASSIC PARK 35mm 4K scan + 35mm 4k scans of many trailers Mega Project including the rare Spiderman Twin Towers Teaser, Blade Runner, Pretty In Pink and numerous, some rare, others, see post (WIP - 6.5K scans of JP and trailers complete. Scan data now in hand! Funding of the project is a little past half-way now. Contributor only project for feature. I can't publicly distribute it. Small preservation project.)

MonkeyLizard10 said:

DarthWasabbi said:

RU.08 said:

Jurassic Park is being done as it is here and I can confirm it is absolutely professional quality.

Join my Discord server and send me a message.

No siree! Will not join this shitepile.

To keep things clear, the other project referred to above has nothing to do with mine (not that I would disparage the other project as it seems plenty legit to me, they are doing their best and did not run off, this stuff takes time and they also had some stuff delayed at their scanner a long time which was no fault they could do anything about and are putting in lots of hard work, and I don’t see any issues with that discord either, to also make that clear).

Oh no, that Discord server is so far up its own ass it probably needs a dozen dozen search parties to even resemble any form of normalcy. Too much of the elitist pompous not at all intradesting forms of hoarding, and preservation. There were warnings which some never heeded. There are better sites.

Original Jurassic Park Trilogy 35mm Preservation Project

MonkeyLizard10 said:

DeathlySin said:

Scans don’t just magically happen, they take a lot of time and effort.

Yeah this stuff can really take a LOT, and I mean a LOTTTTTTTTTTTT of time. Especially if you want to match 35mm colors, then it can take just more hours than you can even fathom put in over months. Or if something is magenta faded. Or has tons of bad scratches and dirt. Even in the easiest cases and without taking much care for color it still takes quite a while, that simple case takes a long time and trickier or more carefully color matched ones take super extra time longer on top. People can easily put in like ten or even tens of thousands of dollars of man hours into getting these projects done. And nobody gets paid (the funding just covers the cost of the scan and storage, just the raw basic costs and even then, in reality usually not all the actual behind the scenes basic costs are ever really fully covered so most people directly lose money on every project even when funding goals are hit and the best case scenario of breaking exactly even I don’t think actually happens much of the time), they have real jobs or school and other stuff going on. Even getting things to a scanner and back and getting a scan itself can take quite a while (in the case of this project, I don’t know what they are doing for color timing and whether they are going all in to match the 35mm or not or whether it is easier on the scanner they are using to do that, etc. but I know they are using a new custom scanner, apparently quite advanced, but that has apparently had some issues with breakdowns and had a lot of down time which I think has been one of the things most delaying their project here and there isn’t much they can do about that sort of delay but wait for the film to manage to all get scanned by the scanner).

Yup. Far greater priorities compared to a fan project, as it should be. Unless people are rabid and chomping at the bit for this due to the popularity of this trilogy.

Original Jurassic Park Trilogy 35mm Preservation Project

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

DarthWasabbi said:

DeathlySin said:

DarthWasabbi said:

This project seems dead in the water, and the project host ran off with the funds.
Nothing new, nothing lost.

Very bold accusation you’re throwing around here. Do you have any proof of this?
Scans don’t just magically happen, they take a lot of time and effort.

I’d be very surprised if this accusation of yours is true, given that it’s been discussed and progress updates in the VFA discord.

A Discord Server. How quaint!

Ah, yes. The Sarcasm Defense. Making a baseless accusation and when proven wrong, just making a sarcastic response. Real L behavior.

Yes, yes, yes. Not as intradesting as you prattling on about this riff raff and the buffoonians!

Original Jurassic Park Trilogy 35mm Preservation Project

DeathlySin said:

DarthWasabbi said:

This project seems dead in the water, and the project host ran off with the funds.
Nothing new, nothing lost.

Very bold accusation you’re throwing around here. Do you have any proof of this?
Scans don’t just magically happen, they take a lot of time and effort.

I’d be very surprised if this accusation of yours is true, given that it’s been discussed and progress updates in the VFA discord.

A Discord Server. How quaint!

JURASSIC PARK 35mm 4K scan + 35mm 4k scans of many trailers Mega Project including the rare Spiderman Twin Towers Teaser, Blade Runner, Pretty In Pink and numerous, some rare, others, see post (WIP - 6.5K scans of JP and trailers complete. Scan data now in hand! Funding of the project is a little past half-way now. Contributor only project for feature. I can't publicly distribute it. Small preservation project.)

RU.08 said:

Jurassic Park is being done as it is here and I can confirm it is absolutely professional quality.

Join my Discord server and send me a message.

No siree! Will not join this shitepile.