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Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [COMPLETE!] - Thanks to NFBisms!

NFBisms feedback is spot on, those were the only nitpicks I had. Otherwise overall I loved the general restructure.

I do want to chime in 2 suggestions about Andor in general:

  1. early in Mon’s story where her husband invited Sly Moore to a party I feel like a follow up scene like in E5 Mon and her husband in the taxi would be better moved there than after the family breakfast scene.

  2. This is a personal opinion but I think E1-3s flashbacks should be moved as 2 full flashback scenes. Cassian’s perspective with his tribe till he sees his reflection in the ship all presented before B2 wakes Andor up in the begining
    And then Marva’s perspective flashback where she finds Cassian in the ship placed in the scene where she looks at Andor’s room.

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

I’ve watched all 4 of your HP edits Anjohan and I had to sing my praises on here. Fantastic work! The new visual effects I noticed in HP1 & 2 and colour grading are bloody brilliant. It’s been years since I’ve seen the movie so any changes to musical scores and cuts you made I didn’t even notice (and I mean that as a good thing- it was seamless).
Oh and great work on building a real mystery with HPGoF, it actually felt like a mystery trying to figure out who was responsible rather than it dangling obvious ticks that gave away the reveal.
Hyped to see the rest of your edits.

Asokha Radical Redux Ideas thread

So I thought I’d share a few ideas I’ve thought in my head for editing Ahsoka and fixing some lingering questions:

  • So for Huyang, a big question for me is why he’s with Ahsoka rather than Luke: So an idea I liked was that he’s sticking with Ahsoka because she’s the last from before the Empire and he feels a connection to the generation of padawans he’s taught, Ahsoka being the last one left. I’m not sure where a dialogue an AI created voice line could fit but it would be good explanation.
  • Another thing with Huyang voice AI ideas is to try and see if it’s possible to move his conversation to Ezra about Sabine’s family fate on Mandalore to much earlier episodes to get the audience to understand why she’s willing to anything to get Ezra back.
  • Another AI voice/ voice over idea could be used on Morrok: his dialogue could explain he’s magik created from the Great Mothers in Peridia to give him a more solid explanation rather than just not explaining him.
  • I’d also fix the remnant troopers making them feel more human by adding voice lines for them & conversations, making them more competent shots too.
  • For story beats I’d also make sure for Sabine force moment- I’d have Ezra do the full jump no help and Sabine (who doesn’t use the force in this edit) would have to make a choice to go save Ahsoka or go with Ezra.
  • Oh and I’d also tweak Huyang’s line about Sabine being worse than a youngling in terms of force potential, maybe a line emphasising her untapped potential might make the finale land moments better.
Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

I got round to watching your PM edit Spence, cheers for that, and you’ve done some absolutely amazing work! Lots of great seamless cuts, loved the little VFX work you did, the deleted scenes restored, and the removal of 3PO which worked surprisingly well. Solid pacing overall and great reworks especially the final battle and I’m happy you kept the gungan city stuff.
Super hyped for your AotC & RotS edit now!

Asokha Radical Redux Ideas thread

Peter Pan said:

I used the shot of Baylan seeing a silhouette of a purrgil through the clouds, while on Seatos, applied some binocular filter, and tinted the footage to give the impression of infrared sight.

Here is the clip:

Sadly the compression is killing the quality.

Genius that’s a really great idea, works well.

Asokha Radical Redux Ideas thread

Peter Pan said:

Someone in Smudger’s thread spawned the idea of removing episode 1 almost entirely and starting with the Corellia investigation instead.

Sadly, I had no time to spare at the time, but now I have thrown together a quick mock-up of that idea.

The general structure is this:
-slightly altered crawl, that explains the state of the galaxy and why Ahsoka and Hera are on Corellia
-opening on Corellia, intercut with the introduction of Sabine
-Hera reports to the NR
-new scene, featuring Sabine observing Purrgil traveling past Lothal (new call to action)
-Jailbreak, introduction of Baylen and Shin
-Sabine contacts Ahsoka
-opening of the map
-Ahsoka and Sabine meet

Apart from the structural change, I only boosted the colors (a lot).

If anyone is interested in giving feedback, just notify me. The edit is about 40 minutes long.

I like the ideas of moving the Corellia story first, makes more sense but how would you create Sabine observing the Pergils on Lothal?