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Let's talk about Chewbacca

none said:

You might appreciate this blog post on origins of Chewie.


Damn, that really was a great read. That is like the magnum opus of Chewbacca.

But accusing GL of stealing Chewie might be a bit strong. Weren't giant furry man creatures a regular feature in comics and old pulps? I know I've seen a few of them around. Apelike, bigfoot style, bear type creatures, etc.



Let's talk about Chewbacca

Let's take a minute to talk about my favorite subject. Chewbacca.

I know its been asked a million times but what is Chewbacca? I mean we all know he's a wookie. And we all know he was partially inspired by a dog owned by George Lucas. But what is he really?

Bigfoot mania was sweeping the country in the late 70s. I personally think Chewie is part dog, part bear, and part bigfoot.

Admit it, I have completely blown your mind.

But consider this. Chewie is so intellegent that he can actually fly a space ship and repair complex mechanical and electronic equipment. He has tremendous strength and yet at the same time he is constantly subservient to Han Solo. Sorta like he's Han's dog. I mean we know about the life debt, but doesn't that also make Chewie an indentured servant, which is really a polite way of saying he's a slave?

Did you read all of this? Good. Because now you're thinking about Chewbacca.

Idea: Thrawn books turned into a movie?

TheBoost said:

A few years back I saw "Shadows of the Empire" turned into a fairly watchable little movie using action figures. Pity it was in Portugese.

I think the Thrawn books could be done like that.

 I've always thought about doing something like this.

There's a lot of source material available. There is the audio cd soundtrack. The n64 video game. Comic books and trading cards. Action figures.  And maybe some other stuff I'm forgetting about.

You could even use the Shadows of the Empire audio book. Mix it all together and I think it might end up being a reallly cool project. But I'm sure it would take an enourmous amount of time, and you'd have to be one skilled editor.

If there's an editor out there that wants to try this project shoot me a pm. I'll send you all the materials you need :D