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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Concerning reality and physics:

Sure you can argue about the gravity factor and how explosions and dust behave in space, but I think the revisited edtions are edtions mainly on the visual side, that needs improvement or be made more like the original intention again.

Meaning: Yes, there is no sound in space, but it just shoots the films into high gear, it´s unlogical, but ultra cool!!! On the other hand Lucas always said it´s more Sci-Fi fantasy than just straight sci-fi, so let him bend the reality of thing.

But, when I see a moment like "2 star destroyers almost hitting", I see actors act as if they fall or stumble, because you can´t move that set as if... and now this fake stumple thing is supposed to be made better by a fake camera shake. I don´t know... my brain says: Something feels wrong.

Gravity in the asteroid cave:

Hmmm, yes... it was always an unlogical thing, but it never stopt the excitement of the scene and the drama. And maybe the factor, that we have seen it a hundred times, and just accept it.

Now with the dust or debris that falls to quick... well. It is a new visual element and supposed to be an improvement. Maybe we/i will just accept that too. But I never thougt that this asteroid is made of so much sandy stuff. Rock hard asteroid was in my mind, and now this happens :) plus in a way that´s against my view of physics/logic. Hard one... I believe in the end it doesnt matter, because the excitement in that short scene stays intact!

After all, these are things I noticed with a view of how to do the things myself... and by helping to improve things, I wanted to hint little things. But others decide and that is okay.

Nobody at Lucasfilm asked us of anything, while they made the prequels. So this is in any way a fair trade :D

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Hi Adywan,

I´m a young hobby writer/filmmaker from germany and í´m using after effects also, for some years now.

I think your stuff with the canyon scene is very well done, but I do have two little complaints anyway.

1. When the two star destroyers almost fly or drive into each other, there is the shot from the bridge room and you added this CAMERA SHAKE!!! Well, I have to say everything else doesn´t catch my eye in a bad way, because it´s done just right, but every time a young self-moviemaker or a young design or effects student is doing something with action and stuff, they always add those silly camera shakes, that never ever look real or good. I spot how you did it and possible with which plugin or effect or software. Please re-think this one, it makes the rest look cheaper than it is.

2. The hits of the laser and the spit of dust element, I belive from the action essentials pack. Nice idea for sure, BUT: We are in space und the dust elements are moving down too fast. There is no gravity or very little. The dust shoots out at a certain angle and it should either move up a bit or expand on the spot, but not move down so fast. Can you just turn the footage around or tweak it some other way???

Thanks so far for the great job you are doing and your motivation to keep going...

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