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Darth Revan

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Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
Aayla Secura, that is who I was thinking about. I do not believe the lack of burn marks to mean anything other than lazy thinking on the part of George Lucas. Sort of like Anakin Skywalker melting the Nemoidians and barbecuing Count Dooku's limps. It does not fit previous continuity, but it was made to look that way. Also, are you sure Darth Vader absorbed the blaster bolts in The Empire Strikes Back, or did he merely block them with his artificial hand?
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
I was just reading another forum and found people arguing that some of those Jedi we see being taken out by clones might not have died from the blaster fire. The utter lack of impact wounds led some to believe the bolts could have been fired on stun. This is another thing I would change. In fact, since nobody else seems to share my artistic vision, I will pay somebody with the technical skill to make my perfect version of this film become a reality. Who wants the job?
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
I mentioned this before but to reiterate something must be done about Yoda's speech impediment. It made me cringe several times. It is almost as if George Lucas is parodying the original Yoda, who had a few language eccentricities but nothing close to prequel Yoda. My suggestion is to change the wording of the most awkward lines so they sound more natural. What comes to mind is just before the Senate fight when Yoda is about to activate his lightsaber. I could not believe what I was hearing.
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
One thing is really bugging me. The lightsaber should not cut through flesh the same way it cuts through metal, yet the film portrays this. When Anakin is chopping up the Nemoidians, orange scorch marks are left behind. Metal is hard to slice through, so it makes sense it has to be melted, but flesh? In The Empire Strikes Back, Han cuts open the Tauntaun's belly with no markings created. Also, when Dooku gets his hands cut off, the stumps look black and charred. In all of the various amputations that have occurred throughout the series, this has never been the case. Please fix these issues by removing the orange scorch marks and making Dooku's stumps red instead of black.
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
I was really bothered by Yoda just giving up so easily, but having the clones swarm in and attack while he is defenseless and tired makes it work. This also shows that Palpatine leaves nothing to chance. MagnoliaFan, is your version of ROTS going to be like TPM or AOTC? Your TPM felt like a completely different film to me, while AOTC felt like an improved version of the same film.
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
I just saw Episode 3 again, and found that the second time around the bad points stick out even more. As a character, Anakin is a lost cause. Vader, on the other hand, is still the most badass villian ever. Seeing the original trilogy again today proved it. Vader being rebuilt, putting the mask on, breathing, and being lifted from the table are all great. Unfortunately, what follows ruins a great scene. Having any out of character moments in those few minutes of screentime is a disgrace on Lucas' part. My solution to this is that after the Emperor asks Vader the question, he responds with a "Yes, master" taken from the original trilogy, and quickly cut away right there. This preserves Vader's mystique and individuality.
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion

I knew all that hype about Episode 3 being Lucas’ redemption, and considered by fans to be “the best of them all” was utter bullshit, and I was right. However, it is the best of the prequels and I think has alot of potential in the capable hands of people like MagnoliaFan, who know how to construct a better film using all available resources. This thread should serve as a compilation of all the ideas and criticisms I have read in various posts on the board. Also, if anyone with editing experience could give insight on how, in your estimation, some of this stuff could be accomplished, post as well. This is my list, of what needs to be fixed.

#1. Flat deliveries, Anakin’s angst, Yoda’s inexplicable grammar, Palpatine’s over the topness, Vader’s dialog and pansy scream, clone trooper screams, midichlorians, etc. all this stuff has to be addressed in some way. Be it through deletion, creative editing, or adding alternative dialogue.

#2. General Grievious needs to be a threatening villian, the jedi killing machine seen in clone wars, not a coward who runs from a fight. So the first thing cut should be Mace calling him cowardly. He doesn’t have a mouth, so in theory you could make him say anything you wanted at any time. Give him a cooler metallic sounding voice speaking english, or an alien language. This applies to the annoying battle droids and nemodians as well. Get rid of the coughing, cut out all the running away from a lizard, and if there are any deleted scenes with his backstory, put that in.

#3. The opening space battle doesn’t strike the appropiate tone. It feels like a screwball comedy, not a tense rescue mission. The pacing and transitions are particularly bad here as well.

#4. Anakin’s turn to the darkside has to somehow be made more drawn out and believable. When he does turn, I think Padme should more concretely reject the evil bastard, and then have Anakin force choke her a bit longer.

Special Edition Without CGI
Thanks Klingon_Jedi, I am also a fan of Star Trek and see the Director's Cut of The Motion Picture as what the Special Edition should have been. I would like to see a fan version of the Special Edition since we already have been preserving the original in bootlegs and childhood memories while George Lucas tries to erase it. As I said before, releasing the original on DVD would be awesome indeed.
Special Edition Without CGI
This is an idea I came up with years ago but never got a chance to post anywhere. Since you guys seem to love the originals as much as I do, I will post it here. I am of the believe that the original trilogy is perfect as it is and should be made avaliable it its original form, meaning all that episode 4-6 stuff in the crawl should be gone as well. However, if I was super rich and didn't have any other movies to make, I might be tempted to update Star Wars for a new generation. However, unlike George Lucas, I wouldn't use the update to put in CGI effects which do not match with the original and are distracting. Instead I would use the opportunity to see what I can do to fix things that haven't aged well. With millions of dollars at my disposal, I could afford to do things the old fashion way instead of just relying on new technology. All the old model builders, puppeteers, and matte painters could be brought back and have their work honored, not replaced. Anything added must look like it was originally there. It would be a challenge but a fun one. If there are more deleted scenes that enhance the story they go back in as well. Small errors like matte lines would be removed digitally. They really need fixing with the Rancor fight. The rods in the lightsabers would also be removed but I would not tamper with their color or anything like that.

The only important things that were live action in the Special Edition were the Wampa, which removed the scene's tension, and the new cantina aliens, which were pointless and didn't add anything to the scene. The Dewbacks which didn't move properly in the background and the one next to the cantina could be erased digitally and replaced with really cool animatronic puppets which look and act real. The Tauntauns and the original Sarlacc Pit mouth moving not that stupid beak thing could look better with the same methods. The same applies to the new spaceship shots. Why not build models that are identical to the old ones and copy their movements. This would be good for the trench run, escaping from Tatooine, the Slave 1 chasing the Millenium Falcon, entering Cloud City, and the fight above Endor. I don't mind the Yavin 4 or the Cloud City background updates because they look really good and match with the rest of the movie. That is the kind of thing I would like to see if George Lucas ever starts to care about his integrity again.