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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Extended Edition (Released)

I have watched both of your Extended Edition edits tonight. I’ve been looking for a true Extended Edition in HD for a long time and even failed at creating one myself, so well done.

Both edits are really well done, but I would like to give some feedback:

You have placed the Exiled to Dagobah scene in-between Padme’s Funeral and Palpatine & Vader overseeing the Death Star’s construction. This in my opinion ruins the pacing of the film and really damages the flow music between the two destroying the power of the score.
Having looked at it you could have placed it after the scene where Captain Antilles is told to wipe C-3P0’s mind. I feel that it would have been a better place to put it in. In your Alternate Ending edit it worked because there was no funeral scene, but this does not work in the main edit sorry.

The Seeds of Rebellion (Padme’s Apartment) scene ends so jarringly that it just feels out of place. I’ve shown it to others in my household and they agree with me. It has to do with the music just starting abrupt in the next scene.
Is there any way to make the music in the scene bridge into the Anakin & Obi-Wan Farewell scene or even adding fitting music to help create a sound bridge?

Other than the problems I pointed out I feel you’ve made a good job of the edit.

In your Alternate Ending Edit I liked the addition of Qui-Gon’s voice from The Clone Wars (A show I enjoy) and the use of the Russian scream which I have seen about used in other edits and is quite popular.

Good luck on any future Fan Edits you’re planning on making in the Future. 😃

For Sale: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (VHS)

Edit: 09/04/2017 ITEM SOLD!

I’m selling the rare Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith (UK VHS) Video Tape.

Made back in 2005 and is one of the last movies released on VHS in the UK market. Neither the USA or Canada received VHS home releases, few places received one, most notably the UK, Japan and a few European countries where VHS was still in demand.

This is one piece of Star Wars Home Media that is considered rare and is the perfect finishing piece to your Star Wars Home Video Collection.
If you have both Episodes 1 & 2 on VHS then this will complete your set.

I have tested this tape and it is in full working condition and looks great considering the now out of date analogue video format of VHS, though it would be best to keep to the DVD/Blu-ray to preserve the copy. Item is also from a pet & smoke free home.

I have taken good care of this tape as it was a fine addition to my collection, but life moves on and bills have to be payed.

The price is high as the tape is hard to come by, but for an item this rare it is worth it. Worthy addition for any Star Wars Collector.

May the Force be with you!

Ebay Link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122412501609?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Help: looking for... Return of the Jedi 1997 SE - HD Victory Celebration.

Ryan-SWI said:

I feel that the Victory Celebration from ROTJ (Ep VI) is the only change that is significantly different from other versions

There are numerous changes, some of which arguably bigger than the inclusion of Naboo.

I’m talking about versions of the Special Editions. I never mention the original version here, I just talk about all versions from after 1997.

Help: looking for... Return of the Jedi 1997 SE - HD Victory Celebration.

I would be up for a recreation using 2011 sources, but I’m not that skilled. I guess it’ll never been done.

I do love that transition with the moisture vaporator.

Also the music seems to be unnaturally extended just for the Naboo section, something I noticed when comparing different version. But that could just be me.

Help: looking for... Return of the Jedi 1997 SE - HD Victory Celebration.

Have there been any VHS or Laserdisc HD upscales of the 1997 Return of the Jedi: Special Edition’s Victory Celebration Ending?

I much prefer it as I feel it has a much quicker pace to the later 2004 release which added Naboo which I feel slows it down.

Unlike the 1997 release of A New Hope (Ep IV) which had significant changes between later releases (a better CGI Jabba being one example) has had an HD restoration.

I feel that the Victory Celebration from ROTJ (Ep VI) is the only change that is significantly different from other versions and therefore be the only reason to create a restoration. I feel this is the reason that there aren’t any at the moment.

So does anyone know of any Return of the Jedi 1997 HD restorations out there. Any help would be appreciated.

Best HD Version(s) of Prequel Trilogy Deleted Scenes? Check out Hal 9000's package!

I am incredibly interested in getting my hands on these upscales. Sadly this is the only place I feel I can get a link from anyone. If anyone is willing I would appreciate a PM with a download link.

A friend and I are planning of making our own edits of the Prequel trilogy and are wanting to use as much deleted footage as possible.

Hope to hear from anyone soon. 😃