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Connection between the Telomere tail of human DNA and midi-chlorians?

TV's Frink said:

DarkSky said:

I also found this page that has some in-depth info on the topic: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Midi-chlorian


Things like this make me embarrassed to like Star Wars.


I agree, I also think that midi-chlorians were a bit too much... Like many other things in episodes 1-3 (it would take too much time to list all the annoying things, problems and "flaws"...). I was just wondering what inspired Lucas to include such things in a first place... Personally my favorites are the original episodes, the new ones cannot compete in any level. Just wanted to clarify that I did not start this thread because I think midi-chlorians are amazingly cool, I was just wondering what inspired Lucas when he came up with them. And when I found that SW "wiki" page I thought it was simply hilarious... :) :) :)


Connection between the Telomere tail of human DNA and midi-chlorians?

Have you noticed some interesting similarities between real-life human cells and the concept of midi-chlorians? Human cells die when Telomere tail in the end of DNA string becomes too short (cancer cells have the ability to keep their Telomere tail intact, that is why cancer cells are sometimes called "immortal"). Perhaps the midi-chlorians can be thought of being something similar than telomere tails (even though I know midi-chlorians were described as "micro-organisms"), something that is determining the lifespan of an individual. I wonder if Telomeres served as some kind of inspiration for Lucas when he came up with midi-chlorians... :)

I just read about researchers (I think they were Harvard-based) who have been able to reverse the aging process in mice (or was it rats) by activating Telomerase enzyme that prevents Telomere tail from shortening... So exciting! (even though I HATE animal experiments... But the article stated this was not painful for the rats, I hope that is true...!) Just imagine all the things that can (and will!) happen during our lifetime, say within next 50-80 years or so :) 

Jake Lloyd: "My entire school life was really a living hell."

"""Unfortunately, Star Wars fans were less than thrilled about meeting Darth Vader as an adorable young moppet, and they soon laid into him with a rancor uncharacteristic of Star Wars fans, except those Star Wars fans whose favorite character is the Rancor."""

...I have yet to meet the fan who's favorite character is the Rancor...  I would love to chat with one, that would be quite interesting... :D :D :D



How much does Star Wars influence your everyday life?

twister111 said:


Moth3r said:

Anyone on this forum who says that they don't perform a Jedi hand wave every time they approach an automatic door is lying.
Hey!!!!!! It was only that one time okay!?





...I have actually seen some people do this... And yes, I must confess, I have done it a couple times myself too :) :) I am still waiting for the day when I do my Jedi hand wave, the door slides open, and... I see another guy doing his hand wave on the opposite side. Now that would be hilarious :D :D


General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

Quackula said:


You know, thinking about it, it doesn't really make a lot of sense that a planet with little to no moisture on the surface would have a plentiful amount of it in its atmosphere.


Good point, I also thought about this... Red Mars-style sky would have been more appropriate/realistic choice, but then again, too much realism might just ruin films like these... :)






Any favorite Star Wars scenes?

It is really difficult to point out any specific scene, the trilogy as a whole is so impressive.  I particularly love most of the scenes with Yoda and Darth Vader. Luke's training period with Yoda is also amazing, especially the scene where Yoda demonstrates the power of the Force to doubtful Luke... :) And of course the epic scene where Vader says the F word after cutting off Luke's hand ;)