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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

First of all I want to congratulate you on your work and dedication to this project. It's really made Star Wars a better experience for all of us on our HDTV's.

However, I'm faced with a problem that I can't seem to find the bottom of, and that is the subtitles. Now, there's the fact that I know each and every line of the movie head to bottom and left to right, but as the years pass by and as I am looking to archive your wonderful work for eventual re-watching, I can't help but ask myself if there are any subtitles on the internet synchronized with these versions so that if I'll ever want to introduce this to my kids or some other person, then I'll know I'll have the subs just in place to pitch in to create a better experience for a first time watcher. 

So I'm asking you, are there any subtitles available and if so, is someone willing to share them with me ? I can't seem to find any. It would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you and may the force be with you,

a true fan.