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How I Would Edit SUPERMAN {Part 1} (workprint completed)
Looking forward to this one.

BTW, I think it'd be awesome if the villains ruling the world scene can be created like it was intended in the script. The original idea was for Zod to deliver that speech from the top of the Washington Monument with shots of destruction around the world (Kremlin, Eiffel Tower, Tokyo, etc). What we got in the end is the Idaho setting and the attack on Mt. Rushmore.

At the very least, I think footage from other movies could be used to depict the world being destroyed with the Idaho speech as a voiceover, maybe even using echo effects to make it more menacing. I'm not talking about taking entire scenes from other movies, just a few seconds for each city/monument being attacked. That would be very cool.
Info: Superman II Donner, and III & IV extended edits
I liked the Donner Cut too but like most ppl here, I'd like a Donner/Lester hybrid as well. For one thing I felt the Donner cut did not concentrate enough on the Superman-Lois romance compared to the Lester version. Those parts of the movie felt rushed and incomplete.

I don't like the ending in either version though. I think it'd be much better to have Lois remember at the end. Maybe end the movie with the Clark and Lois kiss like in the Lester version. Cut out the part where it's obvious she has forgotten everything and go straight to the diner scene.

As for the villains, I have an idea though I'm not sure if it'll work: is it possible to show that Zod and co have been banished back to the Phantom Zone by Superman? Maybe show them in that crystal floating away in space. About Lex, this is a long shot, but how about using the end of Superman IV where Lex is taken back to prison and Superman says "see you in twenty" ? I haven't seen IV in a long time so I dunno if that scene can fit into SII. Just a thought.

I don't think it's a good idea to tie this to SR. SR is supposed to be a "vague sequel" anyway. So let it remain in it's own continuity.
Ideas: James Bond re-edit suggestions...
Originally posted by: Batman Beyond
OK, sorry if I sound rude or anything, but no replies in a day? Where my ideas so bad?

I mean, TAILOR always had a Bond-ian flair. With some clever editing, it could be turned into either Bond's first mission (thus a good prequel to the Dalton/Brosnan Bond) or a sequel to DAD, where Bond has to prove himself more efficiently. I know it can.

Also, the black and white CR I haven't seen, but I think it could be turned into a Bond prequel to DR. NO, setting up Bond like today's CR did (Well, sort of). That way, CR would open the Connery-Lazenby-Moore Bond series and the re-edit of NSNA (which has music from all Bond films, and which I own as well) would close it.

Anyway, what do you ALL think?


interesting ideas there

One thing though, I can see why you want NSNA to close the Conner-Lazenby-Moore Bond series esp with Bond being depicted as getting old and even indicating that he wants to retire. But won't the actual plot of NSNA be a huge problem? How can it fit into the EON continuity when it's plot is a remake of an earlier Bond mission (Thunderball)? It'd look really odd to see that both SPECTRE and Blofeld are suddenly back from the grave and doing almost exactly what they did in Thunderball. Technically it ignores most of the SPECTRE related EON movies. Even with the re-edit of NSNA that exists, the plot is a major problem. Is it possible to re-edit the movie so that plot is a better fit into the EON continuity? Simply editing the music and inserting gunbarrel & title sequence doesn't solve the problem (but it does make it a more enjoyable movie to watch on it's own)

Meanwhile, I've seen some clips of the NSMcCloryA edit and they look really nice with all the Bond music. How can I get it though?