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Dan Domenicus

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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

As another fan of TCW, this sounds like a very well thought out and extremely interesting interpretation of the PT and the rise and fall of Anakin into Vader. I’d far prefer to see the Anakin from TCW, than how he is presented in RotS.

I really liked your rationale for how you want Vader to be portrayed in your version too.

Please, please keep on with it as I’d love to see how it turns out.

Do you think Disney will release the unaltered versions for DVD and blue ray?

crissrudd4554 said:

TV’s Frink said:

Alderaan said:

Fang Zei said:

Now, I should say I have no problem waiting, so long as they make it worth the wait.

Don’t take life for granted. We may not be here tomorrow or the next day.

And even if we personally never see it restored, our descendants might not either. You never know what can happen in the world in a few years. Restoring films might no longer be a priority, and suddenly a couple hundred years from now when some historian starts looking around for the original cuts of Star Wars, they might not exist. It’s even possible that the special editions might be so lowly regarded by future generations, that the films don’t exist…at all.

Which is why I’m happy to watch Harmy’s work until suddenly someone taps me on the shoulder and says an official version is here. I hope it happens but I’m not going to spend my days worrying about it.


Totally agree.

I had a real hankering to watch the OT a while ago and dug out the VHS copies I’d had for over 20 years. Watching them again using today’s tech made me realise how terrible the quality was and forced me to seek out Harmy’s versions. They really are superb and will last me until, in their wisdom, the powers that be release them again for all to enjoy.