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Just Saw The Unaltered Trilogy For The First Time...
Ok...my Dr. M set arrived yesterday. I watched the original last night. I loved it. I knew about most of the changes (but it was still exciting to actually see Han shoot first), but one change that I didn't know about was the final battle at the end of the movie with the death star...I hadn't realized they replaced so much of that footage with new CGi stuff...I guess I had never looked at it that closely. All I can say is...I LOVED the 1977 version, with the retro-looking effects and models being moved around the screen. (And I loved seeing Darth Vader have a RED lightsaber again since he had a PINK one in the 2004 DVDs.)

Overall, it was worth it. Thanks Rikter! Can't wait to watch Empire and Jedi soon!
Info Wanted: What is the best preservation version of the Original Trilogy?
I bought the Dr M set because I heard LOTS of good stuff about Moth3r's set. So I figured getting the NTSC version of it would be the best choice. They're still in the mail as of right now, but should be in today or tomorrow (assuming it actually arrives in the 4-6 days that Global Priority is supposed to ship in.) Anyhoo, I'll let you know what they're like when I get them (keeping in mind I have no other copies of the OOT on DVD, so I have nothing to compare to except the 2004 DVDs.)
Just Saw The Unaltered Trilogy For The First Time...
I'm 19. I watched Star Wars for the first time in 1999 (so I guess I was 12 or so.) It was right before Episode I came out. My friend had the 1995 Faces version, and I watched them...and it was a while before I watched the original trilogy again (although the next time it was the 1997 SE). I didn't notice the changes except for the ones that GL pointed out at the beginning of the tape.

It didn't bother me that much for a few years when I found myself really wanting to see the originals again. I couldn't even remember what they had been like (except for the obvious stuff like HC appearing at the end of Jedi and stuff like that). Personally, it wasn't an issue of special editions vs. the OOT, I just LOVE film. I've watched many old movies and love them for what they are. Why would GL want to get rid of the very thing that made him who he is today?

I guess it was about a year ago that I first stumbled across this site. I looked at the Fan Preservation discs and thought "that's cool" but decided to pass on them because I assumed GL would eventually release the OOT on DVD. Well, when I found out I was going to get a non-anamorphic 1993 LD transfer for $30 per movie, I decided to give up on it and went and ordered a fan preservation set for myself. I'm expecting them early next week...so I'll get to experience the same thing that you experienced! I'm very much looking forward to it!

Hope I get as much pleasure out of the OOT as you did!!
.: The XØ Project - Laserdisc on Steroids :. (SEE FIRST POST FOR UPDATES) (* unfinished project *)
Originally posted by: Zion
We are discussing locking all existing LD transfer threads after the OUT DVDs are released. The rules state that any preservation project of something that is available on DVD is prohibited. So it may happen that all SW preservation threads are closed. I stress the word may because nothing has been 100% decided yet. Jay, Moth3r and I still need to come to a conclusion on what to do.

You are correct though, the X0 Project will live on past just the laserdisc transfering of the Star Wars films. What we do next is still up in the air, and it certainly should be allowed to be discussed here.

If you don't mind a newbie's input on this matter, could I suggest that since Lucas' DVD's will be non-anamorphic, that preservation threads regarding anamorphic transfers be kept open. We do have the movies on DVD...but they're certainly not being treated with the same amount of care as a preservation DVD like many people here are trying to make. (Anyway...sorry to go off topic, just wanted to share my view.)
STAR WARS: The Torrents thread
Hey guys...I'm looking for an NTSC anamorphic widescreen version of the trilogy. Any suggestions? (I'm on myspleen.net, but don't know where to start...there's just so much stuff here!!) From what I've seen, I would like the Moth3r...but is there an NTSC version of that?

Honestly, I wouldn't mind just getting the video itself (in DivX or Xvid format), but it looks like my options are limited, but thanks for any help you can send my way!
Questions about AOTC
Originally posted by: Invader Jenny
1) Why does the Vice Roy want Senator Amidalla dead? - she opposes the military act, which would put him out of buisness if the military creation act goes down

2) What does Master Siphodias have to do with the clones and what was his role in the whole scheme of things? (Is he ever mentioned again in another part of the SW saga?) - I wish I knew. George Lucas really failed at that plot line. Big time.

3) I thought Padme was against building the army of the Republic? So why did Palpatine persuade Jar Jar to introduce the motion to give the Chancellor all the power in front of those other Senators? - He manipulated Jar Jar. Jar Jar thought he was acting in Naboo's best interest (even though he had been working closely with Padme for years. You think he would know better...)

Thanks....but still got a question about the third question I had. I knew Palaptine manipulated Jar Jar, but my question is, why did he do it in front of the other Senators who KNEW Padme was against creating that army...which was the real reason behind transferring all the power to Palpatine to begin with.

BTW, Thanks for your answers, they were very helpful!
Questions about AOTC
Hey all. I was just watching Attack of the Clones again today, and even after watching all the movies, there are still some questions I have about that movie and some of it still confuses me.

1) Why does the Vice Roy want Senator Amidalla dead?
2) What does Master Siphodias have to do with the clones and what was his role in the whole scheme of things? (Is he ever mentioned again in another part of the SW saga?)
3) I thought Padme was against building the army of the Republic? So why did Palpatine persuade Jar Jar to introduce the motion to give the Chancellor all the power in front of those other Senators?
4) I still think I'm missing something somewhere (I always have questions when I finish that movie), so if someone could go through a quick run through of all the events going on, that would be great (only if someone has the time to do it). The rest of the movies make sense to me, but there's always questions in my head when I finish AOTC.

Thanks in advance for your answers!
The Prequels - my personal opinion

Originally posted by: DarthAstuart
great post damon! i'm a newer member too.

i respect everyone's opinions, and appreciate that everyone has their own view of what is great about star wars, which films are great, etc.


i am a little sick of people saying "if you really watched them, you'd like them more," or suggesting that anyone who dislikes the PT on the whole is somehow being ignorant, intolerant, closed-minded, etc.

we're not, i assure you. i know i'm not. i've given these films their chances, and they've failed me. not so much ROTS, but definitely the other two.

so i think if i did try to give them another chance and watch them again, it would probably end with large objects thrown at a perfectly good tv. your mileage varies, which is what makes this forum great--we can all discuss stuff and share ideas without (or at least, with very rarely) descending into the mindless fanboyism of "you're WRONG, no you're WRONG," etc.

That is EXACTLY the point I was trying to bring across DarthAstuart! You've watched the PT with an open mind and decided in the end that you didn't like them and that's what I was trying to bring across in my post. It's my wish that original fans can at least give them a chance where as so many original fans I know in person saw EI and were immediately turned off by the PT. Like I said earlier, I don't mind if original fans end up not liking the PT, as long as they give it a chance and realize what it's all about.

I didn't mean to start an argument, so I apologize to those fans who think I have done so, but I do hope at least a few people took notice of the post and decided to give the PT another chance even though they want the OOT preserved in its entirety as the ONLY Star Wars trilogy (at least in their minds). Once again, everyone is allowed to have their opinion and I don't discourage it in the least. And thanks for posting your views everyone, they are what makes this world full of unique people and proves how fans of a certain franchise can still be so unique and different despite their love for the same story, being Star Wars.

Why such hate on the OT DVD set?
IMO, the only change that was made that I DO NOT like is putting HC at the end of ROTJ. When I saw that, I felt like Lucas had gone too far. I'm okay with him changing the films to spruce up the effects and make the flow more with the PT....but only if he keeps the OOT available for hardcore fans. If he does make a few more changes in a few years time, I would hope that I have the option on the DVD to watch the newest edition of the OT along with the OOT so I can see where the film has gone. I believe keeping the OOT intact is EXTREMELY important.

But like I said, the only change that I really had an issue with was putting HC in. (I didn't like adding Jaba in IV and didn't like that song in VI - but I can live with those changes - it's just HC that bothers me.)
The Prequels - my personal opinion
First off, you all need to know that I'm 18 and was not around when the original trilogy launched into theatres, so that may be one of the reasons why I view the trilogy differently than the original fans. It also needs to be known that I prefer the OT to the PT....but I believe the prequels have been LARGELY underrated:

When Episode I came out, I was 12 and simply loved it like any child would. By the time Episode II came out, I had matured and had realized that Episode I was not nearly good enough as the originals and I thought EII was also less than pleasing. Before the release of EIII, I had a very negative view on EI and a somewhat moderate view on EII. However, EIII, I adored.

My opinion on the PT changed the moment Padme delivered the line, "So this is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause." I got more chills during the delivery of that line than when I first heard Darth Vader breathe through his mask for the first time. That line sums up what the entire series is about and is the very reason for the entire story...and that's when I really understood the value of the PT and how well-crafted it really was.

While most fans probably went home and watched the OT after watching EIII, I watched the PT again. I must say that for the first time I had a huge respect for EI and EII for the films that they were. I believe their contribution to the series is great and really helps advance the story and allow fans to view the OT in a different sense. Yes, the PT is overdone in terms of special effects and CG animation, but the central core...the story including the corruption and fall of a government, the republic, and the Jedi can be compared to the fall and collapse of so many governments before the democracy of the free world today. Being able to watch as a government slowly becomes corrupt and falls to the whims of the Emperor is something that was done brilliantly.

I must say that the original trilogy can never be replaced....they are a set of films that will forever be cherished my fans and film lovers for all time. Those are the movies that we all fell in love with and are what made us Star Wars fans. But I believe that original fans have not given the PT the credit it deserves. My two younger brothers who watch Star Wars soley for the action and prefer the PT because it's much more technologicaly advanced and they don't care about the story - like most of the modern-day teenagers who like Star Wars. I, however, am not someone who can be dragged into a movie just for its special effects...I need a story to keep myself happy and I believe the PT had one of the most captivating and unique stories in recent years.

Although still not as highly viewed as the OT, the PT are almost just as good in my opinion. I ask that the original fans, now that you've seen all 6 films, view the PT with an open mind and see them for the great work they are. You can still hate the PT if you want, and this is only my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own, but I would hope that original fans do accept them for what they are, even if they don't like them.
<strong>The &quot;Dr. Gonzo&quot; Trilogy DVD Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
Just have a question.....I've looked into the Dr. Gonzo version and the TR47 version. Of the two, TR47 seems to have superior video quality, but it sounds like Dr. Gonzo has some more extras stuff. Can anyone shed some light as to what both sets offer (and if there really is a big different between the two sets). Thanks!
Info Wanted: How can I purchase the OOT preservation project DVDs?

Hi everyone, I’m new here and have spent most of my afternoon today trying to figure out how to get ahold of the presevered OOT DVDs. Unfortunately, my computer doesn’t like Torrents and always freezes up when I try to download them (when I do manage to find them). And even if I did get them, I don’t have a DVD burner and would have to keep them saved on my hard drive. So, I was just wondering if there’s anyone here who knows where I could purchase a set of these preservation DVDs, as I don’t possess the means or technology to do it myself. If anyone has any information, could you please let me know…and if there’s already an answer to this question that I didn’t come across, could you please point me in the right direction. Thanks!

Original on e-bay
I don't want to go to ebay....I'd rather get the Dr. Gonzo version (or similar) that have been posted on this site. However, I don't have a DVD burner and Torrent files have never seemed to work well with my computer. Does anyone know where these versions can be bought already put on DVD so that I can buy them and watch them....I'd rather do that than go to ebay.
Lightsaber colourization
I'm not an "original" fan....I was born in 1987, but I am a huge supporter in seeing the original original trilogy released. However, I was watching the original trailer the other day and noticed that Darth Vader's lightsaber was white. I soon found out that all the lightsabers in the original film were white. When did the lightsabers get colourized? Just wondering because I also noticed in the trailer for Return of the Jedi that the lightsabers were red and blue. Does anyone know when the change was made and why?