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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

I see what you mean, and it almost worked for me in that way. I think when it goes wrong is the next scene in the jail, when the tone is much more dire and “how are we gonna get out of this one”. It makes the contrivance of them then instantly finding a new code breaker and (in this cut) immediately escaping feel even more strange. I don’t know, if other people aren’t feeling that maybe it’s just me!

The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

I was able to watch the dvd version and enjoyed quite a lot! Already being a big fan of the film, I was hesitant towards some decisions when reading them but found they worked nicely, e.g. the occasional trimmed dialogue and all the reinserted deleted material (any interest in incorporating this little moment? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tneHUL3LRWI such a wonderful image + a nice build-up to to the confrontation)

There were a few things that I found jarring though. The truncated Canto Bight section is just too quick in the first half, it’s almost played as a weird joke for the audience – subversion to the extreme (Here’s a fun new planet! Just kidding we’re in jail!). It came off as one of the most immediate examples where I was watching something edited. Alongside that, the Yoda scene feels very out of place, making an already long last section even more oddly paced. I’m not sure if this project is still in progress but if it is those would be the two I would play around with the most.

Thank you for putting these together Hal. I really loved the restructuring everyone did on TFA and think there’s a similarly lovely edit of this in the future.
