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Corellian Sailor

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Preservation Project: "Bilder aus Amerika" - The Making of Return of the Jedi (1983) (Released)

In fact the ZDF video contained a stereo sound track and only one of them had the German commentary on it. I just downloaded the video myself. You’re right, the English track is missing. So thanks for the info. I don’t know what went wrong here, but we’ll fix this and upload the full file again soon.

Preservation Project: "Bilder aus Amerika" - The Making of Return of the Jedi (1983) (Released)

Thanks for your appreciation! If you guys like what we did, then we obviously did a good job.

Yes, some comments in the show may seem quite strange to Star Wars fans - even to me as a German SW fan.

But you have to take into account that the two journalists who hosted the show and their team were sent to the US to report on all sorts of political and cultural issues. And I figure none of them were really familiar with the SW franchise at the time. They just got popped in the middle of the Star Wars hype. So I guess you can’t blame them for not being SW experts back then. In the end they didn’t really know what this was all about. And so they produced some really wonderful fails.

My favorite fail in the voice-overs is confusing the AT-ATs with the Tauntauns and calling the AT-ATs “snow lizards”. Brilliant 😃 And Yoda being the son of E.T.? Wrong, but even more brilliant, bearing in mind that Yoda showed up on the silver screen two years before E.T. 😃 Hail the 80s!

If you want to watch the video (including the Bernstein interview) in English without the German voice-over, use the VLC media player, click on Audio/640kbpsIsotaled, and you’ll get the English version without the German voice-over track.

Preservation Project: "Bilder aus Amerika" - The Making of Return of the Jedi (1983) (Released)

WXM said:

You may know of him, but member CatBus here is the Star Wars subtitles master (and surely just a full subtitles master in general with his juggling 50 languages worth of…!) I don’t want to speak for him, but since yours is rather a short piece, something tells me he wouldn’t mind watching it (since you have such an exclusive and interesting item here) and giving you suggestions polishing your subs to perfection.

Or maybe not, I don’t know 😃 Here’s the link to his incredible thread, that he’s still fully on top of after almost a decade 😮


Thanks for the info. Sounds interesting. I’ll get in touch with him.

Preservation Project: "Bilder aus Amerika" - The Making of Return of the Jedi (1983) (Released)

oojason said:

This seems very intriguing, Corellian Sailor - and an impressive feat of preservation (plus the adding of subtitles too). 👍

Looking forward to reading more - and seeing some screenshots too.

The video is now released. Here are some screenshots:

Title Card
Title Card:

Hajo Friedrichs at the Lucasfilm Archives
Hajo Friedrichs at the Lucasfilm Archives:

Interview with Jerome Bernstein
Interview with Jerome Bernstein:

Paying a visit to the Kerner Co. in San Rafael
Paying a visit to the Kerner Co. in San Rafael:

Entering Skywalker Ranch:
Entering Skywalker Ranch

Interview with Sidney Ganis at Skywalker Ranch
Interview with Sidney Ganis at Skywalker Ranch:

Hajo Friedrichs interviewing Sid Ganis
Hajo Friedrichs interviewing Sid Ganis:

Dieter Korozucker at the Kenner Toys factory in Cincinnati, Ohio
Dieter Kronzucker at the Kenner Toys factory in Cincinnati:

A little logo we created - ROTJ-style
A little logo we created for our opening - ROTJ style:

Preservation Project: "Bilder aus Amerika" - The Making of Return of the Jedi (1983) (Released)

On December 9, 1983 Return of the Jedi premiered in German cinemas. That same day at 21:15 CET a Making Of was broadcast on the German TV channel 2 (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen – ZDF).

It was the twelfth episode of a series of 45-minute reports related to the US called “Bilder aus Amerika” (Pictures of America) that ran on ZDF from 1982 to 1991. The two hosts, the renowned German journalists Dieter Kronzucker and Hanns-Joachim Friedrichs, were foreign correspondents for the ZDF at the time based in Washington and New York. With their new series they wanted to capture impressions, stories, and pictures of America (hence the show’s title) to bring the German audience closer to the US.

At the time the ROTJ episode of “Bilder aus Amerika” was one of the very few German TV shows - maybe even the only one - dealing at length with the making of the Star Wars Trilogy. It contains a lot of footage and a couple of interviews that were never included in any other Making-of-programme. So I think this is a real TV gem not only to German Star Wars fans.

It only aired once in 1983 and as far as we know it was not broadcast again anywhere in the world ever since. And this is where the problem with restoring it began. Back in 1983 a lot of German households didn’t own a VCR so there were limited opportunities to record the episode. This is one of the reasons why you can’t find the show anywhere on the internet today. I was one of the lucky kids who disposed of a VHS recorder back then so I was able to conserve this gem of German Star Wars television. In fact, this was the first recording I ever did on our then brand-new VCR.

A while back I got a hold of another copy of the programme. A friend of mine – who is a real video wizard – and I decided to restore and remaster the episode using the two sources available. We used the 640x480 25fps mp4-file we had, sent it through Hybrid / VapourSynth for a mild cleanup run and finally fed it to Topaz Gigapixel AI to upscale it to 720p. We also adjusted and remastered the audio, restored all the original title cards and credits from scratch and even added German and English subtitles. Since neither of us are English native speakers we had the English subtitles checked by a friend of mine who was born in the US - Thanks a lot for that, my dear!

We actually finished restoring the “Bilder aus Amerika” episode today, exactly 38 years after its initial broadcast. In the next months we will work on some additional details but basically the restoring process is finished today. And we’re glad about that because sometimes the project almost drove us to the edge of insanity …

In the next days I will post a couple of screenshots so you can get an idea of the rare footage contained in the programme.

The video is now released.

Project info:

x264 CRF14 720p/25fps inside a Matroska container (6,5 GB)
Reconstructed title cards based on the VHS copy
Reconstructed ZDF TV logo from 1983
Audio track 1 - Cleaned up German audio - Dolby Digital 2.0 @ 640kbps
Audio track 2 - Isolated audio (no German voice over in the interviews e. g.) - Dolby Digital 2.0 @ 640kbps
German and English subtitles
Runtime: 45 minutes