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Anjohan said:

ChernobylLiquidator86 said:

These movies are the magnum-opus of TV-To-Movie fanedits, and quite possibly the greatest way of watching Game of Thrones to be honest, faithful to the original feel of the show in an amazingly edited feature lengths, i watched all 8 seasons on HBO Max, and then watched the first 4 movies and can’t wait to see what Anjohan does with the finale.

Moreover, I’m longing to burning the edits into DVDs and put them right with my Lord of the Rings trilogy.

If want to be reaaally nit-picky in a other wise perfect series of edits, I think the titles should perhaps follow more closely the book titles (even if the series adapted only up to the 5th book).

I cant recommend these edits enough, if i would present GoT to my friends, this would definitely be a nice introduction to the show 😃

You flatter me beyond belief, friend, and definitely this is up there with one of those comments that make all the work feel worth it and motivate me to keep going for more, quality edits.

Thank you!

You’re welcome, bud! I hope you are making progress on edits, wish you the best!

P.S.: Are you going to end it on the seventh or eight installment?

I Am Not Okay With This - The Movie (Released)

stickydixon said:

Hiya, while this thread isn’t one that pertains to me, I’m stopping by to say that you should take down that link. Forum rules state that the sharing of edit links should be limited to personal messages - it’s a legal precaution. I’m sure a mod will pop around soon to ask you do just so.

That said, I wish you well on your fan-editing journey!

Thanks, I didn’t know that, i’ll remember it from now on

I Am Not Okay With This - The Movie (Released)

So, after the news that I Am Not Okay With This was canceled by Netflix, I decided to make a simple edit of the first (and now only) season of a series that had great potential, but it was axed way to early.

This edit turns the 160 minutes of the season into a standalone film with the running time a little over 1 hour and 40 minutes (inspired by some 80s movies, like The Breakfast Club, Carrie, Pretty in Pink etc, to fit the overall aesthetic of the show)

I removed some superfluous bits and the stalker plot, 'cause since the show was cancelled, that plot feels like a loose end, so I edited those scenes out to give a more conclusive ending - as far as I could - for the series, even though the ending scene feels somewhat abrupt, but again, that was the same way that the original comic book ended too.

Any feedback is welcome!


These movies are the magnum-opus of TV-To-Movie fanedits, and quite possibly the greatest way of watching Game of Thrones to be honest, faithful to the original feel of the show in an amazingly edited feature lengths, i watched all 8 seasons on HBO Max, and then watched the first 4 movies and can’t wait to see what Anjohan does with the finale.

Moreover, I’m longing to burning the edits into DVDs and put them right with my Lord of the Rings trilogy.

If want to be reaaally nit-picky in a other wise perfect series of edits, I think the titles should perhaps follow more closely the book titles (even if the series adapted only up to the 5th book).

I cant recommend these edits enough, if i would present GoT to my friends, this would definitely be a nice introduction to the show 😃

Westworld TV-to-movie ideas

I started watching Westworld back a few days and I started a fanedit idea, the thing is, its probably going to be 5h long. To avoid that, I’ve wondering if I do a Dolores based only edits, or center the story around the park and cut some screen time for the hosts. I want to make a movie that clocks around 150 to 200 minutes maximum. I’m eager to hear your guys ideas on it

Mando EP2: Search for the Jedi [V2 RELEASED]

smudger9 said:

So disappointingly chapter 15 was pure filler. Some great individual moments like seeing inside Slave 1, seeing Din remove his helmet and the seismic charges. However, it’s 100% side quest.

However, it can be easily cut. I’ve moved the Gideon/Child scene forward slightly so that it occurs whilst Din and Boba are heading for Nevarro. Then I have the Din/Cara conversation which cuts to the Din holo transmission to Gideon - the implication being that Cara manages to get Gideon’s co-ordinates off screen.

Here’s hoping for a long final episode otherwise I’m going to be stuck in the horrible position of season 2 being too long for 1 film, but too short for 2 😦.

To be honest, Episode 2 could potentially be around 160-170min, a lot would be cut from episode 15, and still work as a 3-act movie. It doesn’t have to be necessarily 150min flat in my opinion 😃

Idea: for a fan edit of 'Avengers: Infinity War'...

benduwan said:

why you don´t combinate infinity and endgame in one movie and call it “the infinity endwar” or so?

I’m actually just waiting the Blu-ray to come out, I’m willing to make Avengers: Annihilation (or any other title), in a 5 and half hour experience (if possible, include deleted scenes, if they release it), so I will have Infinity War, Endgame and this edit on my collection. I’m still planning some things, such as include Ant-Man and the Wasp mid-credit scene on the Decimation scene and eliminate the Pager scene to have Captain Marvel as surprise. But I’m thinking things through.