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Call Me...Ocean Master

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<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Something I’m really looking forward to about this show is its potential to be a whole new way for someone to experience Star Wars for the first time. Imagine your first exposure to Star Wars being a modern, high-quality, big-budget show that shows the galaxy from the POV of non-force-sensitive characters, similar to The Mandalorian (except that instead of taking place after the main story, it takes place before). Hopefully, like Rogue One did for A New Hope, more weight will be added to viewers’ understanding of the struggle against the Empire, so the stage can be even more completely set for following the great adventures of the OT.

To date, A New Hope has been the best introduction to Star Wars (and honestly probably will be for a while)…but I hope this show at least challenges that title.

Anakin's Force Ghost

Servii said:

I prefer Shaw because I usually watch the saga in Release Order, so at the end of RotJ, you the viewer haven’t seen Hayden yet, and a first-time viewer would be confused about who he is.

Also, Shaw looks more like a proud father. Hayden looks…off. George really should have shot some proper footage of Hayden for that moment, if he was so intent on changing it.

Do you think it could be a good lead-in to the prequel movies if someone were to see Hayden on their first viewing of the OT and ROTJ?