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<strong>The Official Greencapt 'Batman &amp; Robin: De-Assified' Edit thread</strong> (Released)

I'd really like to see your Batman & Robin edit, but I'm having problems getting an uncorrupted image via newsgroups.

I downloaded one full set of the rars by myself doing a search, but there was an error. I then attempted to apply the pars, and was told the repair was successful, but I couldn't burn an ISO that would play in my new DVD player, Xbox, or computer. When I opened up ISObuster, the program indicated that the ISO was in fact corrupt. I downloaded a full set of rars, this time using the nzb that was provided on this forum, and I still couldn't get a working ISO. Winrar says that rar parts 03, 19, 21, 34, 39,63, 66, 76, 77 of the nzb provided from this forum are corrupt, and the pars have not helped me. I have tried burning the ISO using Nero and Ulead programs, simply creating a disc from an ISO image and making no settings changes beside using 1x speed. Is there something I am doing wrong?

Thanks for your help in advance.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I &quot;Balance Of The Force&quot;, and Ep II &quot;The Clone War&quot; (Released)
I have a DVD burner.
If the DVD is under 4.7 gigs, I can copy it onto a disc and send it on its way to others. I would just make an image of the disc on my hard drive, then burn away.
I actually have over 200 blank DVD-R discs, too. Generic 1x ones I bought about 9 months ago. (Wonder how long it'd take to burn a 4.7 gig disc...?)
I'd love to get the two movies then send them to others. If you read my other posts in this thread, you'll see that I actually have a small collection of fan edits to Phantom Menace. MagnoliaFan's sound like the best of the bunch.
I PM'd Rikter but he must not have checked his messages recently because I haven't heard from him. If someone else could send me the movies I'd be very appreciative. I live in Washington state, USA.

EDIT: Another idea. If someone who is active in helping MagnoliaFan do miscellaneous tasks (subtitles, image covers, etc) were to send me the movies, I could send a bunch of blank DVD-Rs out to that person. In helping someone who helps MagnoliaFan, it'd be my way of contributing to the project.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I &quot;Balance Of The Force&quot;, and Ep II &quot;The Clone War&quot; (Released)
Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Is it just me, or are the transfers of BOTF and TCW that Rikter is distributing have the brightness a bit high?
I find myself darkening the picture when I watch them.
Not trying to complain, just wondering.

Well, I'd still like to get copies of the films myself, even if the brightness may be too high and may not be the upcoming dual-layer.
Anyone willing to send them to me via internet or standard mail? I'd gladly pay for them.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I &quot;Balance Of The Force&quot;, and Ep II &quot;The Clone War&quot; (Released)
The "People's Choice" is basically just the original Phantom Menace with some of the deleted scenes reinserted. Jar Jar still uses broken english, steps in dung.

I only sped through the movie to see how they were reinserted into the film, but at a casual glance, not much of an alteration.

In fact, the scene where Anakin fights Greedo is inserted entirely into the wrong space. We go from seeing Anakin win the pod race, to Anakin getting in the fight only to be separated by Qui-Gon (and the two walk off together), immediately to Qui-Gon back at the ship telling Obi-Wan that he's going back for Anakin, to Anakin deciding to go with Qui-Gon to become a Jedi. In my opinion, the fight scene should have come after Qui-Gon's talk with Obi-Wan; it just seems more logical to me.

The "People's Choice" is 2 cds, 6 channel audio DVD rip. I do not believe that I'm allowed to post a link to the emule discussion thread, or else I'd post it.

If interested, Rikter, let me know. I'd be delighted to swap digitally or in the mail.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I &quot;Balance Of The Force&quot;, and Ep II &quot;The Clone War&quot; (Released)
I guess MagnoliaFan didn't get my private message.

Anyone else know where I can get the two DVDs?

I'm something of a collector of Phantom Menace fan remakes. I've downloaded the original "Phantom Edit" and the more recent "People's Choice" using eMule.

I live in southwestern Washington State, USA and would gladly pay for the DVDs.
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I &quot;Balance Of The Force&quot;, and Ep II &quot;The Clone War&quot; (Released)
Wow, a website with people who have actually taken part in editing Episode 1. Great! I have been a member of far too many sites that just "talk" about what the people would like to see changed. It's great to join a site where people have taken the bull by the horns themselves.

I would like to buy the MagnoliaFan Edits, inserts and all.
MagnoliaFan, I PM-ed you.

Glad to be a member.