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Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)

litemakr said:

Supes81 said:

Wow this looks amazing, great work. So out of curiosity, I keep hearing the Xenon lamps were warmer back then in tone. Does anyone know how much of a difference it would have made? I can’t download this unfortunately as I am not a member of the site hosting, but would be interested in knowing anyway.

I get it would not look like the over done Blu Ray (as evidenced here) though I assume audiences would have seen a slightly more golden hue than is shown on this print when projected (not tech savvy so just asking)

This transfer does have a very slight bump in warmth and reduction in green, which would make up for the warmer bulb factor. However I have yet to find any compelling evidence that prints were timed with that in mind or that the bulb made a significant difference.

The blu-ray isn’t just warmer, it has actual color changes which are baked in regardless of color temperature. Reducing saturation and selecting a cooler color temp helps, but doesn’t fix the color issues. Add to that overexposed shots and it’s pretty much impossible to fully correct the blu-ray.

Thanks for the response. Yeah I have never found solid evidence of the Kelvins for lamps/bulbs from that time period, or if any film makers even cared when colour grading. So I guess if the filma makers never accounted for it, it would be a moot point.

Thanks again for the hard work on this. It really looks amazing.

The Shining - 35mm print opportunity (a WIP)

SilverWook said:

I know that documentary by heart. 😃

Vivian shot nearly 40 hours of behind the scenes footage for that, but any scenes of Stanley and Shelley having polite conversation on set probably wasn’t as compelling. People have exaggerated the conflict we do see into something on the level of Christian Bale blowing up at that guy on the Terminator Salvation set.

From what I heard Stanley approved of everything shot and everything that ended up in the documentary. There is one wild fan theory that the documentary was really an extension of the film. I saw one guy show parallels between the documentary and the film.

He suggested that some of the subtext of the film was about the Native American genocide and both Shelley and Scatman were Stanley’s representations of that, hence why he was playing the big bad American on set and being mean to only the two of them.

At any rate I would say any mental health issues Shelley has now would not be as a direct result of her experience on that film. The people in the town she lives in have known for at least 10 - 15 years Shelley has been unwell (I spoke online to one of her neighbours), many have tried their best to look out for her and just make sure she is okay.

Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)

Wow this looks amazing, great work. So out of curiosity, I keep hearing the Xenon lamps were warmer back then in tone. Does anyone know how much of a difference it would have made? I can’t download this unfortunately as I am not a member of the site hosting, but would be interested in knowing anyway.

I get it would not look like the over done Blu Ray (as evidenced here) though I assume audiences would have seen a slightly more golden hue than is shown on this print when projected (not tech savvy so just asking)