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Good afternoon folks!

I was born a few months before the original theatrical release of The Phantom Menace so when I first watched the Original Trilogy on VHS, George’s edits were just the way of the world I was born into. It wasn’t until the first time I saw the Hayden Christensen edit of Return of the Jedi I felt something was deeply, very wrong.

My quest for OT purity lead me to Harmy’s Despecialized Editions; in high school, I undertook a months-long personal project to learn about and execute what was required to get them on HD home media. Once I finally had those babies burned onto Blu-ray and gave copies to my friends for Christmas, I felt my mission was complete. My own personal copies, with the cover artwork printed out at my local library and the generic Blu-ray cases I bought off eBay and everything, were my most prized possessions for years. I still treasure them to this day.

In the years since, I’ve let go of my resentment for the prequel trilogy and now can simply appreciate those titles for what they are. I do however hold my same feelings about post-theatrical overwrites, so I love to see all the “Despecialized-like” (forgive my perspective) projects around here! (And, of course, I support any project that comes from the heart.)

Thank you for reading and m__ t__ F____ b_ w___ y__!!