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Info Wanted: Audio Books - Thrawn Trilogy

Hey guys,

This is my first post being a young yet avid star wars fan, i thought some of you may be able to help me.
I wasnt entirely sure where to post this, so my appologies if i shouldn’t post here.

I listen to alot of audio books and being a big star wars fan naturally started looking for Star Wars audio books on the web.

Unfortunetly, i’ve purchased the first 2 books of the thrawn trilogy via Audible.co.uk and cannot find the third on their website.
If anyone can find me a solution I would be very happy, be it finding the lost audio book on the site or providing me with an MP3 until audible.co.uk get their collective asses into gear and provide it. It is, however, available on audible.com so i just cannot fathom why its not available on the UK site. I’ve also noticed the same with some of the books from the NJO series (mainly Vector Prime not being available even tho its on the US site.)

I would really appriciate any help,
Many thanks,