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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Last post from me on this topic! I finally got it to work with the Wine/Imgburn method. I obtained the Mac-friendly version of Wine here: http://winebottler.kronenberg.org/

Then I was able to install and use Imgburn easily. I had to use the "create image file from files/folders" method since Wine couldn't detect my dvd drive directly.

I think the reason this must have worked is because Imgburn correctly sets the version of UDF for you (2.50). All the Mac programs only let you set UDF without ever specifying a version, so who knows which version they were using.

I was then able to burn the ISO to disc using the "Burn" app like I did for the other two movies, and now all 3 movie discs play correctly on the PS3. WINNING!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

JT 1138 said:

Best of Luck, Brade.  If it works, please let us know what you did.  Just thought I'd mention this to you in case you're not aware, Harmy is working on Return of the Jedi Despecialized V 2.0 right now.  Might want to save your discs for that instead.  No word yet when it will be complete, but some of the "de-specialized" parts will be using a much better source (35mm film scans).  Should be a significant improvement.

Yep, I've been reading the forums today and discovered that v2.0 should be arriving hopefully soon this year. I'd still like to get my 1.0 working as a matter of principle =] but it's nice to know that a newer version will be available and likely in the ISO format that's simpler to burn.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Thanks for the input, everyone. I also wonder if it has to do w/ file permissions--I noticed some of the files (like .mpls and .m2ts and .clpi) were not set as executable on the filesystem for ROTJ, but they were on episodes 4 and 5. So now I've gone thru every folder within BDMV and CERTIFICATE and made sure all the file permissions are exactly the same between the movies.

When I get home, I'll try burning again w/ UDF format. Fingers crossed.

(and if that doesn't work, I'll probably try the WINE/Imgburn method)

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

I did all the burns in the same day w/ the same type of disc. These: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GHWRIK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

So I don't think there's a problem w/ the disc itself. But I guess the way I burned ROTJ doesn't quite match up w/ the way the first two movies are. Again, it would've been great if tehparadox had an ISO for episode 6 just like it had for episodes 4 and 5. Then I probably wouldn't have any issues. But with only a BDMV folder, it seems like I have to figure out filesystem types before I can get it working =/

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Yeah, I've already tried that a couple times--I've heard the PS3 is pretty picky on file format though, so it hasn't worked yet. I did find an app called "SimplyBurns" that might work--it gives 4 different options for file format to use for the burn:

ISO9660+Joliet and HFS+ (hybrid)
HFS+ (Mac only)

Any ideas which I should choose? I would think the last one, but I'm not sure.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Thanks, but alas, I'm on a Mac. With the ISO's it was easy b/c I can automatically mount and burn a disc from those. With ROTJ, I found this app "Burn" which seemed to be the right thing, but I guess not. (And BTW, the movie plays fine on the Mac itself--I'm just having issues getting it on a playable disc for PS3.)

Anyone burned a straight BDMV on a Mac?

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Okay, so I've nabbed all 3 movies' latest versions, and episodes 4 and 5 were ISO's which I was able to burn and play in a PS3. But episode 6 comes as a straight BDMV which I can't figure out how to get on to a playable disc. I've tried 3 times, even making sure to match the folder structure and permissions of eps 4 and 5, but still no luck. How do I get this thing to play in a PS3??