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Indiana Jones Crystal Skull - a 15MaF revisit (2D and 3D)

kg1977 said:

honestabe said:

I have watched this one as well. Overall, a massive improvement over the original.

  • Eliminating the entire clear scene was the correct decision. However, at about the 17:32 mark you left Indiana telling the FBI he survived a nuclear blast. Other than that, the removal was completely smooth. I could not tell that something was missing.

For others, Note there is a version 6 for this correcting the “Indy mention of surviving a nuclear blast” because in my edit their is no blast/extra detour from the plot scene. What I did was do some editing to let him listen to the guys offscreen and the dialogue moves on without the mention. Thanks to honestabe for finding and calling that out.

For my edit I removed Indy’s mouth movements in this scene so I could just remove the audio instead. Painstaking work, having to manually track his lips to keep them closed, but it’s seamless.

Feel free to steal if you want to.

Ever wanted to know what the Throne Room would look like if it was RED?

ifjg said:

Cool idea, but consider a different shade. It looks pink in the pics. I color matched to this video in my personal edit and I think it looks pretty good.


I did! Thanks for the feedback. The final edit looks a lot more red. It’s tricky for me to grade because I’m colorblind lol

My Lord of the Rings edits. Faithful Ents, Faramir and Witch King vs Gandalf scenes. All completely seamless.

I know people have been dying for a faithful recreation of Gandalf vs Witchking. So here goes. Enjoy.

These will release soon, later this month. Being previewed now by some members of the ifdb website to make sure it’s tiptop.

Used the Theatrical Isildur scene. Combined the opening scenes of the theatrical and extended fellowship films.

Two Towers:
The ents are like the book. They decide to go to war.
Faramir is nice, not as many daddy issues. Does not decide to bring the ring to his father. His intentions are kept ambiguous

Saruman doesnt throw a fireball.
Witchking does not defeat Gandalf.
Regraded the entire army of the dead/oliphant scenes to be less green/yellow.
Arwen isn’t dying.

A lot of minor tweaks in Two Towers and RotK that you will not notice unless you’re a huge fan who watches these religiously.

Lord of the Rings 35mm (FOTR/TTT/ROTK/FOTREXT released)

imsorrydave2448 said:

Boobafett2 said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

You_Too said:

stretch009 said:

“I remember around that time there were some HDTV version circulating that didn’t have the DNR but they seem impossible to find these days.”

Not impossible. I believe they’re still avaiable on Usenet and Rutracker.

Usenet: Maybe, I’ve never been able to try it since it costs too much for me.
Rutracker: They took them down long ago, sadly.

Either way, I’m a big fan of the extended versions so not a huge loss to me personally, but good if the fans have them for preservation’s sake. Fellowship was done really nicely by both 44rh1n and Dwalin.

There is a torrent of all the HDTV versions on CHDBits. Someone had actually posted the torrent from their a while ago and CHDBits killed the torrent after a few people downloaded it and then they reposted the files to their site. I don’t have access to that tracker, however you can usually find someone on Rutracker who has access to whatever tracker you need something from. Just go and ask.

Could you please explain what this HDTV version is?

A recording of the movies as they played on TV

Forgive my ignorance but what is Rutracker?

Lord of the Rings 35mm (FOTR/TTT/ROTK/FOTREXT released)

imsorrydave2448 said:

You_Too said:

stretch009 said:

“I remember around that time there were some HDTV version circulating that didn’t have the DNR but they seem impossible to find these days.”

Not impossible. I believe they’re still avaiable on Usenet and Rutracker.

Usenet: Maybe, I’ve never been able to try it since it costs too much for me.
Rutracker: They took them down long ago, sadly.

Either way, I’m a big fan of the extended versions so not a huge loss to me personally, but good if the fans have them for preservation’s sake. Fellowship was done really nicely by both 44rh1n and Dwalin.

There is a torrent of all the HDTV versions on CHDBits. Someone had actually posted the torrent from their a while ago and CHDBits killed the torrent after a few people downloaded it and then they reposted the files to their site. I don’t have access to that tracker, however you can usually find someone on Rutracker who has access to whatever tracker you need something from. Just go and ask.

Could you please explain what this HDTV version is?

Here are my fanedits for those curious!

Find info here, including reviews:


I edited the following films:

  • Created a new ‘Naked Gun’ movie out of the ‘Police Squad!’ Tv show
  • Created a more mature cut of Return of the Jedi
  • Created an actually fun cut of Indiana Jones 4
  • Created a streamlined cut of The Dark Knight
  • Largely recreated the narrative in The Dark Knight Rises
  • Edited the Mario Movie to have the video game songs instead of pop 80’s tracks
  • Edited Spider-Man 3 to be more in line with 1 and 2

Coming soon:

  • A Return of the King edit that removes a few annoying things (such as Sam going back to the Shire on foot lol)

All my edits are 100% seamless. Show them to anyone who hasn’t seen the original and I guarantee they won’t notice a thing.

If you want a link, send me a PM on that website. Don’t PM me here because I have turned off notification. 😃

Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended Edition - 4K Dremastered

Staebs said:

Prodrummer1603 said:

I don’t find the extra scenes with Merry and Pippin that bad. They are not great but they don’t hurt either.
Find the scene with Eowyn and Aragorn (stew scene) more troubling.
And all the extra Army-of-Dead-Scenes in ROTK ruin the movie for me.
Thats why I Cut those.

This guy actually edited that scene with Eowyn and Aragorn in a way that cuts around the out of place stew joke and keeps the mention of Aragorn’s age. It’s not a bad edit at all.

It’s funny, like half the EE scenes (while I loved them as a kid watching the movies), just don’t really justify themselves worth keeping. Army of the Dead scenes that remove all later suspense, the stew scene, drinking game scene, Merry and Pippin, Gandalf vs the Witch King (this is the worst). But of course it’s different for everyone. Hal9000’s extended edit of Kerr’s edit (while it does certain things I dislike to try and stay closer to the book) literally makes pelennor fields so much better by cutting it in a way that maintains tension and doesn’t let the dead army immediately win. I am nowhere near talented enough to do things like that on my own, so I hope someone can make a “less extended edition” of the 4K EE Dremasters when they’re all done.

It’s funny, because Gandalf vs the Witchking works absolutely fine in the movie. It’s being nitpicky to think it’s a bad call to make this moment slightly more cinematic. The fact that they never faced off in the books doesn’t mean Gandalf would have automatically won. I tried to edit it only to realise removing this is just petty. If gandalf can defeat the witchking it makes Eowyn’s moment less powerful. It’s good screenplay, honestly.

I did remove Saruman’s huge ugly fireball and Sam walking down the stairs, those moments annoy me on a cinematic level.

Anyway back on topic: can’t wait for this extended cut by Dre. Fellowship deserves it!

Will you also be regrading Two Towers and Return of the King, or are those deemed accurate color-wise?

Lord of the Rings 35mm (FOTR/TTT/ROTK/FOTREXT released)

Holy shit this extended edition scan is absolutely amazing.

I can’t imagine ever watching another version of Fellowship. The quality is stupendous, probably because it wasn’t used as much as the theatrical scan.

Many, many thanks. Maybe one day we het TT and ROTK in extended as well, but the most important extended film has now successfully been restored!

LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring 35mm Extended Hybrid

felpotomous said:

Re-creating the film grain look isn’t that difficult, it’s the color matching that I’ve found to be really tough because each scene (and sometimes each shot within a scene) requires a different color grade. The release of the Fellowship extended 35mm rendered this moot but I’ll probably try and create a ROTK extended hybrid now.

If you do a ROTK hybrid, you might want to make it a version where you add only the scenes that matter. Keep Saruman, don’t keep farting Gimli.

Keep the ghosts, but don’t keep the lame pirates.

Just my two cents.

Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended Edition - 4K Dremastered

frasderp said:

Super excited for this release, thankyou for your hard work!

I am interested, how does the Upscale process compare to the real 4K releases regarding the process followed?

These are definitely better in each and every way apart from the HDR colors in some scenes. The official 4k honestly doesn’t even deserve that title and recolors the some scenes to look completely different from what they were.

Huge letdown. Dr. Dre doing the lord’s work tbh.

Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

So, here’s the thing. Anyone crazy enough to be into films so much that they enjoy watching fanmade scans already bought the movie and is simply looking for MORE of the movie. Like, if anything scans have shows studios that there’s money to be made here. But instead they release crappy 4k DNR releases because they know the avarage viewer or new young viewer is completely clueless and views filmgrain as unsharp or ‘old’ looking. The tiktok generation doesnt care about the film grain on a movie, so studios won’t care eiter.

Litterally not a single casual will ever be into fanedits or scans etc. I think studios realise this. It’s like game modding in that sense.