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Help: looking for... 'The Living Daylights' - Workprint?

Glad you did! I avoided reviews as well...thank god I´m a fast scoller :D Really best thing you can do. Let me just say, you will experience something really special with this Bond. I have seen nothing like that since I started with Goldeneye 17 years ago.

Glad you like the Blog btw. I´ll make it a permanent one as a news source for all future things 007 - Bond 24 seems to be right around the corner ;)

Help: looking for... 'The Living Daylights' - Workprint?

Thank you for seeding and thereby making sure, other Bond fans get to see the material. It has been a lot of fun to create this collection for the Jubilee and because of its exclusivity I´m always a bit "picky" when it comes to credit. Nothing personal.

Still, what´s on the Internet is on the Internet...I certainly took a huge load of clips that other fans made and could only give a thanks on the blog since I really can´t remember all the names :) We Bond fans stick together like the oil slick of the DB5 on the road :)

I will list your site as well on my blog and we´ll see what great footage we can gather in the future.

Help: looking for... 'The Living Daylights' - Workprint?

Williarob said:

I just stumbled across something called the James Bond Golden Jubilee project. It is available as a 31 GB torrent of rare James Bond related treasures, including The Living Daylights Workprint. Much of it can be downloaded separately from hotfiles, if you have the patience.

I am trying to get the whole project through bittorrent. The first 60% downloaded very quickly, but since then it has been crawling along... Been stuck @ about 78/79% all day.

I will post everything I think I can get away with on my James Bond site.

Cheers & congratulations for finding my torrent :) Hope you could complete to 100% now. If you post something on your site, it would be nice to give credit to my work that has taken me over 2 years. Always kind of sad to see fans just take the stuff, recut it and give no thought about the work that went into all that.

The files will only be up until mid November, then the Jubilee Blog will be redesigned for Bond24.

Help: looking for... 'The Living Daylights' - Workprint?

I stumbled upon this topic by accident since I´m currently working on a "James Bond 2012 Gold Jubilee DVD Edition" - all the rare material I can dig up will find its way into that, together with all the stuff from my "archives". You know, things they just hold back on the official DVD releases.

Marrying the original audio from the workprint with the UE DVD footage would prove a nice challenge and I´d be happy to take it if someone wants to share the copy.

