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Fat Jedi

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ROTJ is Luke or Anakin?
Interesting debate. Who is the Jedi in ROTJ? Some say luke, but he was never a Jedi until before ROTJ. So how is he returning? Vader on the other hand does return to the Jedi order before he turned on Palpatine and threw him in the pit. Did Luke jump Jedi knight straight to Jedi master or what? I have no dout in my mine that Lucas meant Luke as the Jedi in the title because I'm sure you all know the original name "Revenge of the Jedi" but Lucas changed it because Jedi do not believe in Revenge. So I think the title "Return of the Jedi" would work better if Lucas meant Anakin is returning and not Luke. Let me know if this confuses you.
Unorthodox Star Wars Beliefs
Great topic guys. I feel that 3PO is bogus all around. Those droids are cranked out on an assembly line. I can think of at least 4 times I've seen other protocal droids of that model in the PT and OT. Jinn was a radical Jedi and that's it. He was so radical that the counsil would not promote him above Jedi Knight. The phrophecy was right and not misread. Vader balanced the force by chucking Palpatine in the Death Star pit. There was a lot of choaus that led to that but it did indead bring balance. I do not agree with the Jedi being evil. The counsil was in dissare because they knew of the growing power of the Sith lord. As for EU, I don't funk with that stuff. I go by Lucas only
Changes you want (or don't want) to the 2007 archival editions
In ESB I think it would be cool to show the Wambas on Echo base choke some Imperial shock troops like some of the renderings I saw from an earlier script, also some more bounty hunter scenes would be cool. In an earlier ESB script Lando and Fett exchanged some unfriendly words. In SW bring back some Biggs scenes and a better explanation to what took out Porkin's ship. I don't like the malfunction BS. In RTOJ clean up the assault on Deathstar II and kill off some more Ewoks.
A possible version of Han Solo in ROTS
That would of been so bunk if they had Solo in ROTS. I think it was lame as hell that Chewy was in it. Come on lets face it, Han was just a dude dukin' from Jabba, making it with a chick in a funky bar, when Obi-Won Kenobi picked him up for a job and that was the door way for Han being a hero for the rebel alliance. He fell into it by dum luck. And I agree with the poster above it was a bunch of bull that Anakin built C-3PO. They mass produce those damn droids. I saw two of them on the Rebel ship on SW. end of story
Ideas For The T.V. Series
The adventures of Han and Lando or a series about the Eradication of the rest of the Jedi in far galaxies both set between ep 3 and 4. The Han and Lando would leave plenty of room for back stories of bounty hunters, the wookie race and some of the wretched hive found at Mos Eisleys spaceport. Since Han and Lando are good with the ladies it will give a chance for some hot chicks. Han and Lando both have a great back story according to Lucas.
Why Boba Fett is now bunk
Thanks for the support battlewars, the PT didn't ruin Chewbacca but it was damn unnesacary to bring him in. I glad the PT didn't ruin one of my favorite bad guys Grand Moff Tarkin, that would of really pissed me off. In fact that was one of the few scenes I liked in ROTS, was when Moff Tarkin is hangin out with, Vader and the Emperor over looking the Death Star construction.
Goosebump lines
"You're all clear kid, so let's blow this thing and go home!"

-Han Solo (When he and Chewy come to Lukes assist on the Death Star torpedo assault)

Also I love the Chamacazee(sp?) scene when the out of control A-wing Takes out The Super Stardestroyer Imperial flag ship. With the screaming pilot, to Adm. Piett's screaming dive, to fiery explosion on the Star destroyer bridge, to cheering on Adm. Ackbars Rebel flag ship. It was a brilliant sound and sequence!
You know you’re an O-OT fan when............

And that the guy who plays Dak (Luke's gunner in ESB) is also the same person that play's this guy in the Imperial walker that is trying to blow up himself...apparently

(I have a hard time believing the last one, but it says so in my Behind the Magic CD-Rom. Dak looks way younger than the officer in the walker. Maybe it was Janson. I donno. But what I do know for a fact is that the Imperial walker commander dude is also one of the gunners in the snowspeeders.)

And that it is none other than Mark Hamill himself that says "The first transport is away! The first transport is away!"

General Veers and Dak are different actors you can check here http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080684/fullcredits

Why Boba Fett is now bunk
I hope the majority of guys know about the Star Wars encyclopedia that was available before the prequels. It described Boba Fett as the son of the Mandaloran race and thats was as far as his origins could be traced but it also described the character as a mystery that used the Mandalarean armor. The book also said the Mandaloran army was wiped out by the Jedi during the Clone Wars. I don't know about you guys but that battle was one of the main reasons I was waiting for the prequels to come out. Boba Fett is just another character ruined by the horrible prequels and I think he would of been better left a mystery character with no known origins.
What species is Yoda anyway?
Originally posted by: Killbot
Hi guys. Practically my first post here. I believe I posted once, a few months back...
Anyhoo, at the end of Phantom Menace, isn't there a freakish looking dude standing around near yoda, who's short, with very yoda-esque ears, but he's caucasian-flesh colored, as opposed to green? I remember thinking in the theater, dear god, is that supposed to be another member of Yoda's race? Well, how about it?

Yeah, thats what I was talking about.