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Are The Prequels That Bad?

While I do think the prequels had some potentially interesting ideas (and TPM actually felt very visually inspired to me, unlike AOTC and ROTS), theyā€™re otherwise genuinely terrible movies in almost every way. I cannot conceive how anyone other than children could find enjoyment from watching them. These movies have the opposite of chemistry or relatable characters, and even the action scenes are ruined by being overblown visual noise.

So, yes, the prequels are bad, and you should feel bad if you like them unironically.

A part of me wishes that there could be a large-scale fan project, a ā€œreplacementā€ trilogy featuring completely rewritten scripts and practical effects. Would be very expensive (especially with all expenditures being out-of-pocket, since crowdfunding would be illegal), as well as difficult to find consensus in the writing as there would be so many different ideas of how it should go. Ah, well, I can dream.

What movies do you consider canon?

The OUT is canon to me for sure, though I do have my reservations about ROTJ. I feel it could have been a lot better, it doesnā€™t feel like a proper followup to ESB. Not to mention I hate ewoks.

While I accept the overall plot arc of the prequels as events that happened in the SW universe, I regard the films themselves to be horrible depictions. I outright reject many elements in it, such as the presence of R2 and 3PO, midichlorians, and Yoda using a lightsaber.

I thought TFA was an average movie that did a great job at doing what it set out to do (a return to form, reinvigorating the franchise, introduction to new characters, etc.). While I liked it, Iā€™m not sure if I consider it canon yet. Snoke seems extremely stupid and unfitting. I have high hopes for TLJ, if that movie ends up surpassing TFA, Iā€™ll probably accept the ST as canon.

Also, hi, Iā€™m new.