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Star Wars: Bloodlines (New Working Title) (* unfinished project *)

I don't know man. The plot is being radically re-written and the original dialogue doesn't fit in any way. I can add sound effects in scenes though, if that would make it more engaging. I'm pretty adamant that this is silent.

I don't have a problem with the monochrome, but if it's truly a big issue then I can add a tint or something like that.

Star Wars: Bloodlines (New Working Title) (* unfinished project *)

I'll try out some new fonts tonight and maybe post some screenshots.

The monochrome footage is supposed to differentiate itself from the original trilogy scenes. I've heard criticisms on it being silent, but the original dialogue won't fit with the new plot elements that will come into play. I tried it originally with sound but it just wasn't working out. Sorry to disappoint. :(



Star Wars: Bloodlines (New Working Title) (* unfinished project *)

Here's a clip I posted on Vimeo yesterday. There's a few plot holes that need addressing and a few technical tweaks that need to be done, but this should give you an idea o the tone I'm shooting for.


Also, I exchanged ideas with a fellow Fanedit.org member and this edit will now encompass all six films in the style of the Godfather Part II. Hopefully it will clock in at less than 4 hours, and there will be heavy re-writing and restructuring.

Star Wars: Bloodlines (New Working Title) (* unfinished project *)

Since I haven't posted anything for awhile, I thought I would give a quick update. I'm considering making this edit completely silent, with the new music mentioned above and newly rewritten subtitles, like the new Silent Menace. This would certainly make editing easier, and there are endless possibilities to change the narrative and tone. If anyone has any questions/suggestions, please feel free to comment.

Star Wars: Bloodlines (New Working Title) (* unfinished project *)

Star Wars: Bloodlines is an ambitious edit that combines all the films in the Star Wars Saga to tell the parallel stories of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, in the style of The Godfather: Part II The flashbacks will be in black and white, with high contrast to create bleak, stunning visuals. The whole edit will be silent, with newly written subtitles and music. I also wanted to go for a more “art house” and mature feel to the movies. The movies will also be re-scored using music from Apocalypse Now, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, etc.

my 'Superman Recut: The Epic Edition' edit (Released)

I’m new here on OT.com, but I’ve decided to announce my first fanedit. I’ve been working on it for awhile now, and it will combine Superman: The Movie and Superman: The Richard Donner Cut, along with brief footage from Lester’s Supeman II, into one epic storyline. Another goal is to remove as many bad writing, acting, and special effects as possible, and avoid plot holes and bad pacing.

For more information, there has been an active forum discussion about this edit for a few months: http://www.fanedit.org/forums/showthread.php?6904-Superman-Recut-The-Epic-Edition