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NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

solkap said:

Binny said:

Gonna have to format my c drive to get the space for extraction (I made some poor partition decisions last install). I did check everything with md5checker and it didn’t return any errors, so I should be good, right?

Yeah, you should be good. BTW, would it be worth it to buy a 256 gig flash drive? Either as a place to move the rars or a place to extract them? They are usually about $50, but it might be worth it, as I would think an entire C drive reformat would be a real hassle.

Ryan said:

As far as the “main” extras and things in this NJVC collection. Does anyone know if they are the highest quality versions available of those extras?

Have you tried messaging NJVC? I doubt he’ll send you any files directly given the piracy issues surrounding his work, but he might be willing to answer that question and/or point you to his sources.

Yeah, I totally forgot I could extract without it making a temp folder on the c drive. Got em all extracted. Thanks! One more question. Anyone try to just mount these and play them on their computer? I’ve run into all sorts of weird issues using vlc, and kodi I can get to at least play everything it’s just real slow in the menus. I’m holding off on buying a bluray burner for a little bit.

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

DeckardKatarn said:

Binny said:

First off, thank you so much to everyone involved with this. I’ve been looking for a way to get these for a while. My blurays look nice, but it hurts to see all the added bullshit every time. Only problem I’m having is download speed. I’m working my way through the Empire links and they are going anywhere from 5-15kb/s at the moment. I tried a link for ROTJ and that one was much better. Is it just a case of the Empire links getting pounded, or would upgrading to mega pro help my speed at all?

That is much slower than I saw. Most links are running 7-8 MB/s or maybe a few MB/s and take only a moment or two to finish (and I’m connecting through a VPN). I don’t have a Mega account at all and don’t intend to create one. My ISP connection is rated at 75 MB/s. I am not using a downloader, just my browser.

Every once in a while, I would hit a link that would just drag ass, but those were few and far between.

Yeah it seems it was a few files here and there that would just be really slow. Just finished getting em, now onto the docs. Gonna have to format my c drive to get the space for extraction (I made some poor partition decisions last install). I did check everything with md5checker and it didn’t return any errors, so I should be good, right?

Once again, thank you everybody for this and the help!

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

First off, thank you so much to everyone involved with this. I’ve been looking for a way to get these for a while. My blurays look nice, but it hurts to see all the added bullshit every time. Only problem I’m having is download speed. I’m working my way through the Empire links and they are going anywhere from 5-15kb/s at the moment. I tried a link for ROTJ and that one was much better. Is it just a case of the Empire links getting pounded, or would upgrading to mega pro help my speed at all?