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Big Man Toe

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(The Mandalorian+BoBF) The Way of Mandalore | A New Mandalore Movie Saga (Final Update in Progress)

Acbagel said:

Big Man Toe said:

Working on Book 5? Have you already finished Book 4? Damn you work quick

Yes! I released Book 4 on May the 4th! Been a LOT of late nights getting this series updated, but it’s been worth it.

I’m actually having a ton of fun re-editing Book 5. There was so much untapped potential there that I hadn’t realized before. I’m about 1 hour 30 minutes through the film so far and am anticipating a ~2 hour 10 minutes runtime? So I’m definitely more than halfway, and with such a big chunk of the ending being combat rather than new story, I should make it through the last Act faster than the first 2. I am very confident you guys will be pleased with the new story. It definitely does a gritty, crimeworld Boba Fett justice. And having Mando S3 at my fingertips has helped on Din’s scenes.

I know there’s a lot of talk about a Book 6 or 7 ending, but I just still don’t know yet. I like to let the story write itself rather than me forcing something either way. I love the Pershing storyline and think re-editing that in a new way to lead up to Gideon’s return sounds awesome, but I want a natural flow for the return to Mandalore and just haven’t gotten to the nitty gritty storyboarding of it all yet. Now that I have a clear picture of how my Book 5 is about to end, I am starting to get to seeing a vision for Season 3 content, but the major decisions are still yet to be made. I need to do a full rewatch of Season 3 first too.

Wow I do wanna say your fanedits of Mando and BOBF are my favourite so far. And I would also love a link to Book 4.