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Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Originally posted by: adywan
Trooperman, there may be a way to amke the dialogue more natural sounding without having to re-record the whole lot again.

Play the dialogue through a pair of ordinary stereo speakers with minimal bass, but not too much treble to make it sound tinny, in a small to medium sized room. Don't have the volume set too loud, just enough for the mic to be able to pick the dialogue up without creating background hiss. Place a mic about 2 - 6 feet away from the speakers Depends on the room size ect so a bit of trial and error to get the best sound here). Now play the complete dialogue track and record it using the mic (don't forget, like i did once, to have a timecode tone at the beginning so you can sync it with the main dialogue track at a later stage). Once you have the recording finished sync this new track with the original and play about with the mix levels until you get a natural sounding dialogue track. Maybe a slight reduction in the bass frequencies on the original track may eliminate the "too close to the mic" effect that you mentioned. You get a more natural reverb effect this way which could help bring the new ADR more inline with the original studio track.

Its a bit of trial and error with this method but it can help recreate that "on set" sound.

hope this helps

As a working audio engineer I have to offer my view on the suggestion above: With all due respect, re-running and re-recording the dialogue tracks through a pair of speakers will, unless the whole signal chain (from A/D/A converters to mics to preamps to monitors, to room) is top-of-the line pro level stuff, spell absolute disaster for all of Troopermans hard dialogue work. Not only will that degrade the signal substantially in quality, it will also introduce alot of unnecessary room artifacts that can spell all sorts of frequency and EQ trouble down the line, come mixdown. Not unless the monitor room where TM would be running the playbacks is treated correctly as far as acoustics go, chances are you will merlely introduce major problems in what are *perfectly workable tracks*.

In my opinion Trooperman's recordings are just fine. The proximity effect introduced by his close recordings only works to his advantage in this case, as it really has improved the overall signal clarity and fullnes of his voice, which only enhances the dark and slightly menacing character of TMs Anakin. A much better solution would be to use a slight highpass on Anakin, with a touch of a medium-size room plate. Make sure to roll off some of the lows on the reverb itself. TM's work is fine, and don't forget; the fact that his voice is so different and much deeper that Hayden's is a *good thing*! I hope TM stays true to his concept, which IMO is totally solid.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Originally posted by: Trooperman

I now have both versions of the character of Jar-Jar. I'm considering posting two versions of a clip- one with Sluggo's version, and one with hairy_hen's version, and get your feedback.
By all means, please do!

I think I know what I'm going to go with, but I hope it won't be too jarring.

Granted I havent heard the british Jar-Jar voice yet, but I suspect that with a project of this stature that already has changed so many elements, chances are that your projected target audience will most likely be more pleasantly surprised than "jarred" by a british Jar-Jar. (which would make the film's tone even more in line with the OT). It's not like the original Jar-Jar can possible get any *more* jarring....
Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Originally posted by: Trooperman

Not much time to post, but I wanted to upload a couple more Anakin clips:


You'll notice the first one is kind of out-of-synch, but that should be fixed before release.

Really impressive. I love what you've done with the lighting.

Re the sync issues, I would try to match the old + new lines down to sample accuracy if I were you.
I dont know what your audio platform is, but if you're editing in Protools there's a great plugin available for audio suite called VocAlign that automates that very nicely,
It works by both compressing and time stretching a two or more performance to match a guide track, and enables you to raise your accuracy to sample level. Saves tons of editing time.

Anyway, great work. I love the new Anakin voice.
Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Originally posted by: Trooperman
By the way, there are a couple major plot points in this edit that I think I've forgotten to mention:

-Boba is the natural son of Marcus Fett- not a clone
-The Republic already had an army, but the Separatist movement is so big that they need a new, better army (established through new dialogue).
-Obi-Wan is preventing Anakin from seeing his mother. This is the main reason for Anakin’s anger and odd behavior throughout the film.
-Obi-Wan is also overly restrictive. It is in fact Obi-Wan’s idea for Anakin to take a vow of celibacy- it isn’t standard Jedi practice (there are married Jedi).
-Anakin is not particularly interested in Padme at the start of the movie. None of the “emotional connection ever since he was nine years old” garbage.
-There no references to “The Prophesy” or midichlorians in this film
-The person that ordered the clones is identifiable by the audience by the film's end
-Anakin is a likable character

Well, what can you say? Brilliant.
Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Originally posted by: THX
To my eyes, 11B is perfect - or at least as good as it can get (the only thing that hasn't been experimented with is making the outer "Star Wars" box outline rather than solid). All the 11s look professional to me, while all the 12s look amateur. I think this is because of the squashed top row. Differently scaled lettering is fine, but you shouldn't mess with the (ahem) aspect ratio. None of the OT logos do, not even the "Faces" ones. Not that they should be used as a reference, IMHO, since they are the SE logos.

So 11B is my choice. Ultimately, though, there is only one opinion that counts - Trooperman's.

Glad to hear I'm not alone in loving the "11's". I totally agree with the above. My personal favourite is the slightly angled 11c.
I totally respect Trooperman's final arbitration on the matter though, the man deserves the final say for his masterpiece.
A few alternates for us infidels would be great though ;-) A style B poster with a 11b or 11c logo should look incredible.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Originally posted by: klokwerk
I've created 10d which is 10b with a line over "Shroud of the" in addition to the one under "dark side" that was already there.

It's unlikely that we'll need to use a square logo often, if at all. However, I think 5 is the definitive square logo and I'll keep it just in case.

The problem with creating a logo that has a less prominent "of the" is that then "Shroud" needs to be bigger. See my next comment.

I agree with your idea that "the logos that have bars seem far more like the title of a movie". That's another reason I wanted to v11 to see if the extra line made a difference.

I commend you on the poster mock-ups, btw. I will take a crack at recreating them in photoshop once I finalise the SOTDS logo.

Nice to see you back in the thread. I'm glad the logo designs inspired you to create a mockup logo as I think your third one is the best possible logo. However, when I tried to recreate it in high-res there's a problem. The stretching/squeezing of "Shroud" becomes painfully obvious and the logo suffers as a result. I tried to:
* get the "S" of "Shroud" to not look so big in comparison to the rest of "shroud".
* have "hroud" not be stretched/squeezed so dramatically
* make the two lines fit together without being distorted at all

However, no matter what i did it just doesn't look as good as it could due to "Shroud of the" not fitting across the top without being distorted. I have posted my result below but it isn't pretty. The "S" bar is too thick and the rest of "shroud" is too stretched.

Yep. All the reasons you mention are why I couldn't get a variety of designs to work. Unfortunately this includes Trooperman's #3 logo which I think is the perfect one to use.

Thanks for uploading that AOTC concept art scan.

Well, here are the latest logos. Version 11 is a revised v10 with an extra bar above "shroud of the". I suspect that since so many of you loved 10B that 11B's okay? Version 12 is my attempt at recreating Trooperman's very nice logo. Unfortunately I can't proportion the "S" of "Shroud" right in relation to the rest of the word. Plus, the rest of the word has to be stretched and squeezed in order to fill out the space in the top line. More thoughts on either of these?:

Wow, some great stuff there! Congrats to Klokwerk!
It's weird, seems I'm the odd man out here, as I really love 11b and 11c!
I don't know, something about that top "S-bar" just rubs me wrong graphically. Sorry...
Is there any chance of having any kind of alteranate poster version with 11c for those of us (or maybe just me?) that favors the "non-S-bar" version?
Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Originally posted by: THX
10b is the best Klokwerk one so far. But I agree with Sluggo - a bar below demands a bar above. Trooperman showed this in his best so far (#3) along with the stacked "of the."

The problem with the stacked "of the" is that it makes "Shroud" bigger than "Dark Side" which is not good. If you look at the ROTJ logo, you'll see that "of the" is only stacked in the one-line logo, not the box logo, which has "Return of the" all equally sized and "Jedi" bigger.

Should the first "S" form the top bar? That was done in the ESB logo, IMHO, to accomodate "The" without shrinking "Empire." It looks okay because the bar is broken up by "The." I don't think it looks so good having the "S" form an unbroken bar.

You could put a bar between "Shroud" and "Dark Side," broken up by "of the" but then you're back to the problem of "Shroud" being too big.

So, for all the above reasons I nominate either Klokwerk #9b, as is, or Klockwerk #10b with another bar above "Shroud," but not made from the "S."


Agree 100 % with THX. Would also add 10c as a nice angled option.
Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)

Wow- thanks to and Bespinsec for the encouragement. This movie WILL be done this year. And thanks again to LTH for considering making an Ep. I to match. I'm really very excited.

Now, as far as a commentary track- I probably have enough material for 3 commentaries. That's not an issue I guess the question is whether you want a commentary on the single-layer release (which would probably diminish the video quality of the actual film).
That's a fair point, and could be a hard call to make. Are plans for DL still in the works?
Actually, I think SOTDS is turning out to be around 2 hrs (or a little more). I don't have a final running time yet (but I should soon). This is because a lot of rotten scenes were given new meaning, dialogue, and music, and actually became good scenes. Rather than cut out a lot of scenes, I tried my darndest to make what was already there good. Not just adequate or watchable (by cutting out offensive dialogue, etc.)- but good. I think that's what will differentiate this from a lot of other edits. I replaced things and changed things that worked fine. Why? Because I wanted it to be breathtaking! I'll leave it to others to decide whether it worked or not...

Thanks for the info, that sounds like a phenomenal running time considering all your edits. I forgot how much you've worked out replacement footage. I would imagine your approach might have actually increased breating space and "flow" in the movie - one of the things that made ESB so great IMO was the natural pacing and silence.

At that time, I'll sit down with a pencil and paper and run the film from start to finish, making a list of every single technical flaw or pacing flaw that I see/hear. Then, I'll go through the movie and implement all of the changes, which will hopefully not take very long.

Check your PM's.
Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
I support the concept of a more vintage-looking cover that fits Trooperman's vision - an older, darker feel. Many of EP2's covers and images are far too glossy and "tiger beaty". Paying attention to color saturation and avoiding images that are too squeaky clean and sharp would go along way towards rectifying that. Cover elements that feel out of place and unworkable are, IMHO, things like Jango Fett, shots that look like something out of Cosmo, shots of the droids, Yoda, and any shots of kids. Those would be my no-no's.
Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Hi there, just discovered this great thread.

Trooperman, let me just say that your project sounds incredible. Your vision of the film is totally on the mark. Your aesthetic sense seems to mirror my own exactly, going for that old-school empire-era analog look, sound and feel. The trailer totally blew me away! Incredible! I made a rough cut myself two years ago, just to see how much CGi and bad lines one cold get away with removing, and the result was pretty primising, you could see the potential. I never got back on track with editing the music and Sound FX thugh, as I was having alot of import/export problems in premiere, which ate up too much of my time.

One thing I noticed in my cut of ep II though was how much screen time was lost by all the necessary cuts. May I therefore ask how this cut is shaping up length-wise? Best of luck with completing this most important work.