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Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

SnooPac said:

timdiggerm said:

I don’t see how mkv vs mp4 would make a difference. MKVs are just containers for other formats, which could be using the same (or probably better) compression algorithm as an mp4

Agree. Just that Benjjedi had complained about 2 things. File size and mkv. So I was providing alternatives for both 😃.

Well, it’s more that I don’t NEED a large file. Just an mp4 less than 1gb file version of TESB DE because I found said file versions of SW and ROTJ DE via archive, but “Empire” wasn’t on there for whatever reason. So I’m trying to complete that set like with the 4K77-83 trilogy.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Hey, sorry to be a bother and I’m not sure where else to ask about this, but does anybody have an mp4/MPEG file of TESB DE v2.0? I don’t need it in any other format like MKV (too big), I’ll just be happy with the mp4 version, like I said. I’ve already got the original SW and ROTJ despecialized as mp4s; Empire is the only one I need. So if anybody has said DE as an mp4, please respond or even PM me ASAP.

DeSpecialized Edition - Disc Playback Help

Benjjedi said:

thethelvmiester said:

how did you fix it

I played it on a PS4. So if the disc for Star Wars: DeSpecialized Edition (aka Ep. IV) is being played on, say, that or an X-Box One, here is what one a friend told me: “I had to pull up the lower/bottom information/display. I had to manually select the “title scene.” For my console, I went to title “10” to start the movie. Options “1-9” went through the other menu options.” that should do the trick.”

But for Return of the Jedi, you’ll need to do title “4”.

Sorry for the super-late reply.

Also forgot this detail, in terms of playing them on a PS4: “At the main menu, click the Options button on your PS4 controller, click Control Panel, then Jump (the button that looks like a right turn) and manually switch the Title to 10 (or 4, if you’re watching “Jedi”).”

DeSpecialized Edition - Disc Playback Help

thethelvmiester said:

how did you fix it

I played it on a PS4. So if the disc for Star Wars: DeSpecialized Edition (aka Ep. IV) is being played on, say, that or an X-Box One, here is what one a friend told me: “I had to pull up the lower/bottom information/display. I had to manually select the “title scene.” For my console, I went to title “10” to start the movie. Options “1-9” went through the other menu options.” that should do the trick.”

But for Return of the Jedi, you’ll need to do title “4”.

Sorry for the super-late reply.

Concerning the Millennium Falcon’s Targeting Computer

hairy_hen said:

Those beeping sounds are in the mono mix, but were never used in any of the others until the special edition came along.

It’s also worth noting that the beeps are mixed at a relatively low volume in the mono version, but are much louder in the SE, which is completely typical of all the audio changes made to the soundtracks from 1997 on (everything is loud and in your face rather than leaving any room for subtlety).

Really? Were they not even present in any pre-Special Edition VHS releases?

Concerning the Millennium Falcon’s Targeting Computer

I’ve watched the Despecialized Edition of Star Wars, which many fans will remember as Episode IV: A New Hope. One of the things that caught my attention was the lack of the sound of the targeting computer during the TIE Fighter attack scene after Luke and company escape the Death Star. In most releases, you hear the sound of the targeting computer’s beeping just after Han tells Luke “You in, kid? Okay, stay sharp!”

My question is this: Was the sound present in the original cut whatsoever or was it only added in a re-release?

DeSpecialized Edition - Disc Playback Help

Hi, I’m new to this forum and I’m not sure if this goes here. But anyways, my boyfriend got me the DeSpecialized Edition of the Star Wars trilogy on Blu-ray and I love them. However, I’m having trouble playing the first movie on the main disc. I can’t even highlight the options on the main menu to select them.

Please, do you guys know how to help?

The following topics have been merged into this one:

LaneSW said:

I have a despecialized blu ray set someone helped me make. V and vi play fine on my xbox one x but iv just loops the menu without letting me select play. Any help or workarounds would be great. It is a 2.7 disc that plays the trailer on the menu but just loops and i cant highlight play. My v and vi discs are fine.