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Star Wars Despecialized Editions - Custom Bluray Set (Released)

towne32 said:

BadCane said:

towne32 said:

IllmaticFilmAddict said:

BadCane said:

Sorry for my noobish post, I’m new to this forum. I could not find download links in the first page. Where can I find it?

Same here. Sorry, not trying to be annoying or step on toes if there’s a secret legality loophole with finding links, but I finally talked my wife into watching the trilogy with me and I’d love to have these downloaded so I can show her before we see Rogue One this weekend.

This is a thread for the blu-rays, which don’t seem to be as widely available. Instructions for finding Harmy’s versions, which are on said blu-rays, can be found in his threads or his Facebook page. Perhaps a better bet if you’re in a time squeeze.

Off topic, but the first film is all you really need to show her before R1. 😃

Thanks for the info. I already have all the latest Harmy MKV releases. I’m planning to make my own customized box, so I must redownload it as DVD or DVD9, and then burn them on discs, right? Whats the best way to do it quality-wise?

The reply was really geared towards the other poster who wanted to see it by this weekend and therefore didn’t need documentaries on a disc, etc.

But if you have the MKV, you can convert it to blu-ray without re-encoding. Just use tsmuxer (gui). It won’t have a menu or anything, but neither would a DVD9 version.

If you only have a DVD burner, yes, you’ll need the DVD9 (AVCHD) download, and a blu-ray player that is compatible with AVCHD.

That’s right, I only have a DVD burner. It’s sad that I’ll have to download everything again, but it will be worhtwhile. I’ll be working on it in the first weeks of 2017.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

DominicCobb said:

BadCane said:

DominicCobb said:

In many ways Cassian works better. You basically get the gist of what he’s all about in his first few scenes. He’s a spy for the Rebel alliance, going on missions and finding info for the cause. He doesn’t care what he has to do in the name of fighting the Empire, even if that means killing people in cold blood.

Jyn on the other hand, it’s a bit more confusing. We know that she loses her parents to the Empire at an early age and that Forest Whitaker takes her in (though it’s unclear at the time who this person is). Then we see her 15 years later and she’s in Imperial prison. Why? It’s kind of explained a bit later in the Yavin briefing scene, but it’s still unclear what kind of life this person is living. We don’t really get the full picture until about 30 minutes into the film or so when she finally meets up with Saw, and we get it, she used to be a rebel for him, she was abandoned, and now she’s going it alone, avoiding the fight. But then she changes her mind in the next scene. There’s a compelling character there but it’s mishandled.

It all comes down to the structure of the film being off in the first act especially. Everything jumps around so much it’s nearly impossible to figure the status quo, so that once the plot kicks in and we get moving, it’s hard for us to be invested as we can’t completely connect to the protagonist. Cassian almost works as another protagonist but not totally, because the conflict isn’t there - it’s almost just another mission for him. If more was made of the fact that Jyn was going along being a bad idea than maybe, but otherwise he’s supporting a character we can’t yet relate to.

And if it’s not a film about the characters and it’s more generally about the Rebellion, they drop that ball a bit too. Again the status quo isn’t totally there. We could see the thumb the galaxy is under and the small victories the Rebellion is gaining… and then bam now there’s a Death Star to quell that and how will the Alliance face it? There’s a way to make the Alliance itself the protagonist but the first act’s so jumbled that doesn’t work either.

Thankfully things come into focus on Jedha and the second act is very solid I think. However, the third act, even with it’s near perfect action sequences, fumbles again. Cassian’s character is never challenged beyond trusting Jyn, which as mentioned before, is not a thread that is fully developed. They could have delved further into his morality but it basically boils down to “I’ve done some fucked up shit so yeah I’m still in all the way.” It’s frustrating because it’s all staggeringly close to the main theme they want the film to have: “hope.” Problem is, just because they say it all the time doesn’t make it so, it has to come about through the text of the film. They could have done this organically through Jyn - the pieces are there, she used to be in but she lost all hope. But again they bungle it by having her do a 180 within a single scene. And they could have done it with the Rebellion as the de facto protagonist, but again without the solid foundation of the status quo, and without the feeling of a looming Death Star threatening the existence of the Alliance throughout the film (and not just in one scene where they air their thoughts), the resolution of the third act just isn’t there.

That’s a great analysis. Just to make somethings clear, how would you rate the movie from 0 to 10?

Hmm, I don’t do the 0-10 thing much anymore but maybe an 8? I don’t want to give the impression I dislike the film. I actually really loved it and probably haven’t had this much fun at the movies since, well, The Force Awakens (and I go to the movies practically every week).

Part of what makes things about the film so frustrating is how close it came to greatness. All the pieces are there. Really, everything I wanted from the film is in there, it just isn’t handled in the right way. These are compelling characters and conflicts but far too often they’re lost in the shuffle and left with rushed resolutions, if any.

I still really enjoy the film and will watch more when it comes out on Blu-ray. But just because it’s fun. I don’t think it’ll reward repeat viewings as much as it could, and I think that’s because it’s just not quite as satisfying in many basic storytelling senses as it should be.

I completely agree with you. I’d give it an 7,5 to 8,5 floating score. I really liked the way you saw the first acts because thats’s exactly the way I felt ant put in a mini review I wrote in my Facebook page.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

DominicCobb said:

In many ways Cassian works better. You basically get the gist of what he’s all about in his first few scenes. He’s a spy for the Rebel alliance, going on missions and finding info for the cause. He doesn’t care what he has to do in the name of fighting the Empire, even if that means killing people in cold blood.

Jyn on the other hand, it’s a bit more confusing. We know that she loses her parents to the Empire at an early age and that Forest Whitaker takes her in (though it’s unclear at the time who this person is). Then we see her 15 years later and she’s in Imperial prison. Why? It’s kind of explained a bit later in the Yavin briefing scene, but it’s still unclear what kind of life this person is living. We don’t really get the full picture until about 30 minutes into the film or so when she finally meets up with Saw, and we get it, she used to be a rebel for him, she was abandoned, and now she’s going it alone, avoiding the fight. But then she changes her mind in the next scene. There’s a compelling character there but it’s mishandled.

It all comes down to the structure of the film being off in the first act especially. Everything jumps around so much it’s nearly impossible to figure the status quo, so that once the plot kicks in and we get moving, it’s hard for us to be invested as we can’t completely connect to the protagonist. Cassian almost works as another protagonist but not totally, because the conflict isn’t there - it’s almost just another mission for him. If more was made of the fact that Jyn was going along being a bad idea than maybe, but otherwise he’s supporting a character we can’t yet relate to.

And if it’s not a film about the characters and it’s more generally about the Rebellion, they drop that ball a bit too. Again the status quo isn’t totally there. We could see the thumb the galaxy is under and the small victories the Rebellion is gaining… and then bam now there’s a Death Star to quell that and how will the Alliance face it? There’s a way to make the Alliance itself the protagonist but the first act’s so jumbled that doesn’t work either.

Thankfully things come into focus on Jedha and the second act is very solid I think. However, the third act, even with it’s near perfect action sequences, fumbles again. Cassian’s character is never challenged beyond trusting Jyn, which as mentioned before, is not a thread that is fully developed. They could have delved further into his morality but it basically boils down to “I’ve done some fucked up shit so yeah I’m still in all the way.” It’s frustrating because it’s all staggeringly close to the main theme they want the film to have: “hope.” Problem is, just because they say it all the time doesn’t make it so, it has to come about through the text of the film. They could have done this organically through Jyn - the pieces are there, she used to be in but she lost all hope. But again they bungle it by having her do a 180 within a single scene. And they could have done it with the Rebellion as the de facto protagonist, but again without the solid foundation of the status quo, and without the feeling of a looming Death Star threatening the existence of the Alliance throughout the film (and not just in one scene where they air their thoughts), the resolution of the third act just isn’t there.

That’s a great analysis. Just to make somethings clear, how would you rate the movie from 0 to 10?

Star Wars Despecialized Editions - Custom Bluray Set (Released)

towne32 said:

IllmaticFilmAddict said:

BadCane said:

Sorry for my noobish post, I’m new to this forum. I could not find download links in the first page. Where can I find it?

Same here. Sorry, not trying to be annoying or step on toes if there’s a secret legality loophole with finding links, but I finally talked my wife into watching the trilogy with me and I’d love to have these downloaded so I can show her before we see Rogue One this weekend.

This is a thread for the blu-rays, which don’t seem to be as widely available. Instructions for finding Harmy’s versions, which are on said blu-rays, can be found in his threads or his Facebook page. Perhaps a better bet if you’re in a time squeeze.

Off topic, but the first film is all you really need to show her before R1. 😃

Thanks for the info. I already have all the latest Harmy MKV releases. I’m planning to make my own customized box, so I must redownload it as DVD or DVD9, and then burn them on discs, right? Whats the best way to do it quality-wise?

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

darthrush said:

Bobo Jameson said:

I used to love The Force Awakens more than I do now. It’s just that Rogue One is so much better. It has a grittiness and realism that The Force Awakens just doesn’t have and a lot of people are right about how Episode 7 plays it safe.

The story of episode 7 is not all that good, but it’s characters are far better than that of Rogue One. The main character of Rogue One is really under developed in the film (Jyn). My favorite is Cassian. He’s the only one who’s even in the same league as Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren. But don’t get me wrong, I still really like Rogue One.

Agreed. Having less screen time than Jyn, I think Cassian was well written. The Speech about how he fought the Empire since he was 6 and being an assassin made me almost feel pitty

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy said:

BadCane said:

I’m kind of ashamed right now. I’m a 23 year old and been a fan for some 15-17 years by now and only TODAY I discovered this. I thought they were renamed back in 1997-1999, when the whole Prequel thing came to life.

There’s definitely no shame in thinking that, because while the episode number has always been there for ESB and ROTJ, they were never marketed as such until after the prequels - the first time an episode number was ever seen on a home-video release cover was the 2000 VHS re-release of the ‘97 SE, which had covers that tied in to the look of the Phantom Menace VHS release.
So, the episode numbers were there in the crawls but they were never really a part of the films’ names - they were called The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi until they were effectively renamed in the early 2000s.

Understood. Thanks for the info, Harmy!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

towne32 said:

BadCane said:

towne32 said:

BadCane said:

I just finished downloading the 2.5 version for ROTJ via tehparadox, but I find it odd that the Opening Crawl reads EPISODE VI. Is it the correct version?

Thank you very much, Harmy! Your work is incredible and I’m a huge fan. I’ve spread the word as much as I could here in Brasil.

Yes. Only Star Wars ever had a numberless version. When ESB came out, it was V, and they switched SW to IV.

Thank you very much. So, back in 1980, the crawl to ESB read Episode V already?

Yes. And then in 1981, they made the first of many changes to Star Wars by renaming it A New Hope.

I’m kind of ashamed right now. I’m a 23 year old and been a fan for some 15-17 years by now and only TODAY I discovered this. I thought they were renamed back in 1997-1999, when the whole Prequel thing came to life.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

towne32 said:

BadCane said:

I just finished downloading the 2.5 version for ROTJ via tehparadox, but I find it odd that the Opening Crawl reads EPISODE VI. Is it the correct version?

Thank you very much, Harmy! Your work is incredible and I’m a huge fan. I’ve spread the word as much as I could here in Brasil.

Yes. Only Star Wars ever had a numberless version. When ESB came out, it was V, and they switched SW to IV.

Thank you very much. So, back in 1980, the crawl to ESB read Episode V already?