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OT.com in french newspaper

Originally posted by: Han's Girlfriend
yeah the French have a hang for translating foreign names into French. but in this case it's really ridiculous., what have they done to chewie!!

concerning the article, it's cool that we're not the only ones who care about preserving the originals. makes my will to resist against the lure of the DVDs stronger.

hi ! first, sorry for my english : I'm french

the problem with french dubbing is that translators try to adapt french dialogs to the movements of the actors lips (in order to have actors who seem to speak more naturally).
that's why, for example, "Death star" = "étoile noire" in french. the real translation "etoile de la mort" would take to much time to say.

Some others words are translated only because they can sound strange to hear for french people (like "darth vader" translated by "dark vador").

but these translations provoke many problems : some words aren't always translated like before.
"chewie" and "chewbacca" are "chico" and "chiquetabac" in episode 4.
but in episode 5 and 6, "chewie" remains "chewie"

"C3PO" is "Z6PO" in the original trilogy. but in the new trilogy, it's "C3PO" ...
as you can see, it's very hard to find something really logical in all this.

the worst problem, from my point of view, caused by the french translation, is the translation of "clone war" in the original trilogy.
it becomes "guerre noire" (black war) in french.
actually, most of french people (who has seen star wars) hasn't heard about a clone war before episode 2 ... which is a major link between the original trilogy and the new one.

to conclude, I'd say that i've grown up with the french dubbing of star wars so it's hard for me to watch these movies in english.
but I usually don't like french dubbing for many reasons

(I hope it won't be too hard to decrypt )