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Ava G.

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Should the sequel trilogy be "reworked" to make them better movies?

I prefer Rey Nobody. It means the Force ‘chose’ a nobody as its new avatar, outside the Skywalker or Palpatine bloodlines. Force power is hereditary, but sometimes it manifests very powerfully in unexpected families. Similar to magic in Harry Potter. There’s something beautiful about that idea.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

adywan said:

So basically, what you are saying is that those that think this show was a pile of garbage are just too damn stupid to to think deeply enough or are just too stupid to piece together what these highly intelligent beings that praise the show can see before their super intellectual selves because they can actually think? Right, got it.

No. I’m calling them unwilling to extend their critical minds beyond the so-called plot hole or complaint.

An example. A reviewer on YT made a deal about how in episode 5, Reva has the troopers escort Obi-Wan (who surrendered) back into the cave compound. As in, the logical thing would have been to keep him outside the entrance and wait for Vader.

I think we can infer why Reva made that move. But nobody I saw really pushed back on this. Not the other reviewers he spoke to, and nobody in his audience. It’s a common problem.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

FrederikOlsen said:

I’ll admit, watching Obi-Wan’s eyes get teary when he saw Anakin’s broken face got to me. At its best, that scene included, Obi-Wan Kenobi has recontextualised the PT for me to a point where I’m cool with it. I don’t consider them very good films, but just months ago, I was basically in the “deny they exist” camp.

I’m not 100% into Leia and Obi-Wan having this close a relationship when her hologram in Star Wars makes no reference to that, but I can live with it. It’s no worse than the passionate kiss between siblings where one party has “always known”, Yoda supposedly training Obi-Wan, or Leia remembering her real mother. Some backpedaling is to be expected with Star Wars, and it’s been that way since 1999, really.

I would also have wished the cinematography would’ve been brighter. Dark scenes are fine, but this was the climax! But I’m noting this is a trend with shows that are shot and processed for HDR in general. Hopefully it’ll pass eventually.

Yeah, I noticed that shows lately have the lights turned low. At first I thought it was just me. lol

I’m glad you enjoyed the finale and made peace with the PT.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

Agreed, it would be fun to see a movie edit of the series. I’d love an extra movie to watch to bridge the trilogies.

I won’t write a full review, because I’m tired. But I will say that the finale was awesome, and made me emotional.

The end of that duel. OMG. Vader was the pitiable and broken horror villain Lucas always wanted him to be viewed as.

Obi-Wan goes through so much character development and finally transforms into the wise and hopeful Alec Guinness version.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

Many critics these days will use their intellect only so far to find what they may call plot holes, so that they can join the negativity bandwagon.

They refuse to think further than the criticism, and to infer things by piecing together details in the story. They don’t argue against themselves before speaking. To do so would often times mean acknowledging what they called a flaw in the script, was only a moment which required the audience to think -through-.

I’m not saying that of anyone here. But it’s something I noticed in spades about many self-made critics reviewing this series on YT and the like.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

Dat_SW_Guy said:

SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

This de-aged Anakin showed up on my feed today:


It’s certainly going in the right direction.

I mean it looks janky and smooths out his face too much. If this was what Lucasfilm did, then there would be outrage for the overuse of CGI.

I’d rather have Hayden himself just do it, as it doesn’t really matter since he still looks youngish.

I kind of wonder if Hayden didn’t request they refrain from CG’ing his face. He isn’t on screen for long, and would probably prefer the audience see -him- as Anakin, and not some digital mask.

just speculation

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

jedi_bendu said:

I think this is probably my favourite scene (/scenes?) in the show. It actually looks stunning, the music is bittersweet and gorgeous, the choreography is fantastic and it’s beyond surreal to see these two play prequel era Anakin and Obi-wan again, in a time before war changed their lives forever. I’ll always be grateful the series gave us this.

Yeah. The flashback duel gave us important insight into Anakin’s personality, and it reflects nicely events of the present. Fate separated Obi-Wan and Anakin/Vader years ago… yet they still know each other all too well.

Episode 5 certainly has the best writing so far.