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Another Enthusiast

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Original Trilogy Edits - some changes are justified

As the above comment alludes to, it is not a matter of what changes are made, or if they are justified, but whether the films are available in their original form and in an acceptable format. Film is an art form and what GL has done is like photocopying the Mona Lisa and taking a dump on it. He (hopefully) didn’t destroy the original. And that is what matters. People should be able to, as with the Star Wars films, do what they want with a copy of a piece of art, but leave the original in one piece and available to the public. I hope my comparison is sufficient, and I don’t want to sound rude, but I am surprised people still don’t understand the point I made and make threads like the one I’m commenting on. Then again, we as a society need to try to educate instead of argue with each other. I hope I did that well enough.

Disney Plus should release all of the theatrical versions of the Star Wars movies on their service

JadedSkywalker said:

People holding out for the originals are gonna be disappointed they haven’t been touched since the laserdisc master in 1992. The restoration was the 1997 edit. No restored OT exists.

The best you can hope for is team blu. I can’t fathom the mind of George Lucas on this nor will i try to psychoanalyze it, its just so bizarre.

To be fair, the Light & Magic trailer on YouTube does show the Death Star explosion with no Praxis effect, which I’m pretty sure is what the comment above yours was referring to. I believe it is also in the actual series, also, and not just in the trailer, but I have not yet watched the series. In addition, I believe it is a possibility that when the '19SE master was created, the new master created was digitally backed up without any alterations. I may be wrong, though. I believe I remember reading somewhere that the unaltered footage in Light & Magic was not sourced from Despecialized or 4K77. This may bring more credibility to my guess, or not, depending on personal opinion. Make of that what you will.

Will Disney eventually release every version of all Star Wars movies?

nobodybutjarjar42 said:

in what way is ESB 70mm “lost”

I believe they are referring to this cut never being officially released


as well as some alternate takes (e.g. Vader’s “oof” when Luke kicks him during the duel, and “You were lucky to get out of there” (70mm) vs. “You’re lucky you don’t taste very good” (35mm), inexplicably changed to the take from the 70mm for one of the Special Editions, but some alternate takes of various lines have never resurfaced other than via cassette recordings (if I recall correctly).

Not sure if this idea has been discussed at length, but '4K81'?

Agreed, great work! I’ve been busy lately and so I’m later to reply than usual, but if I may ask, Williarob, did you align and merge the two scans, as you have mentioned previously, before you restored the segment? Or did you only use the faded scan as a source? And if the latter is correct, I assume you based the color grade on the other scan during the process.

Edit: By “color grade” I meant color correction, but I am not an expert in the film restoration field, so I may have used the wrong term to represent what I meant. It may be insignificant but I wanted to clarify anyway.

Not sure if this idea has been discussed at length, but '4K81'?

Replying again to thank you all for your work on 4K83 v2 and to say that I am hyped for 4K80’s impending release, as well as the v2 of 4K77 that I hope will have the '81 crawl as a download option. However, I will wait patiently if it takes longer, because you’re doing a very difficult thing for fans to accomplish, that LFL should have done last millennium. In all seriousness though, it’s the right thing to do. May the force be with you, and best of luck (there’s no such thing as luck, though, as Kenobi once said).

-Another Enthusiast

Not sure if this idea has been discussed at length, but '4K81'?

The idea to merge the scans would be the best route in my personal opinion, but then again I’m no professional, just a fan of Star Wars and interested in media preservation. Your team’s work is so inspiring and I can’t thank you enough. Would love to see 4K80 finished when it’s ready and also for 4K77 and 4K83 v2 (and I hope this 4K81 of sorts can be released with 4K77 v2)! Thanks again, Williarob

Not sure if this idea has been discussed at length, but '4K81'?

I have another question if you don’t mind. What print did the frames in the above picture come from? I ask this because I was browsing around and found a post by you for a certain Technicolor grindhouse version stating that its opening crawl was from a Spanish LPP. This would mean the Tech print did indeed have the '81 crawl spliced in? If this is the case, would anyone happen to have a version of the Technicolor grindhouse without the LPP replacing the first bit of the Tech print? As long as it’s been colour corrected properly for fade and with any additional stuff on the edges cut off I would appreciate that being put up for the community some time if that’s not an issue and can be done easily 😃 I know I’d appreciate it but only bother with that if others think it’s a good idea as well as to not waste anyone’s time. I don’t want to seem as if I want something made just for me.

Not sure if this idea has been discussed at length, but '4K81'?

I’m making this post to ask if TN1 is considering now, or will consider in the future, making a Project 4K81 of sorts. I don’t believe it would take long considering the '81 crawl has already been scanned (if I recall correctly) due to the '77 crawl being sourced from another print. Obviously this would mean the '81 crawl was spliced into the Technicolor print.

Additionally, the '81 crawl would just make a lot more sense to have as an option because the Project 4K trilogy is just that, a trilogy, and I prefer to watch the trilogy together. And I agree with the opinion that the '77 crawl only makes sense when watching the film standalone, regardless of it being a change. I wholeheartedly believe it’s quite a different argument from the other ‘consistency’ changes within the film. It was the only change made before the Special Editions other than minor adjustments early in the theatrical run to my knowledge.


You're Disney, what do you do with Star Wars?

2012: I would continue as planned all ongoing and in-development projects including TCW, 1313, Detours, and Underworld. I would focus on these projects as I would not want a sequel trilogy, the movies would always be a 6-episode story as Lucas intended. I would release the original cuts of the 6 films if I was legally allowed to do so, and continue the 3D releases as planned. Also, there would be no canon reset, but there would be no new post-RotJ content. If there were no sequel trilogy, as it should have been, I see no reason to focus on that time period as much, if at all. There are so many more time periods to explore, and with that comes so much potential.

Now: I would designate Disney canon with a name like how Legends is treated and they would be equal but separate, with the possibility of new works equal in both continuities. This would mean publication of Legends media would resume and be alongside Disney canon. I would also bring back Colin Trevorrow to make his version of IX to be an alternate version of the movie, to best describe this would be to say it branches off from VIII to 2 versions of Episode IX that people would have a choice of which one to watch/consider canon in their own “certain point of view,” so to speak. The issue with this would be convincing John Boyega to reprise his role one more time, or if any other cast members might not want to do this either. Another thing I would do is focus less on the D+ shows and for example bring back Rogue Squadron and other films that may be or may already have been canceled, and in addition to this, release Episodes I-VI in 3D for real this time, starting over again at I and going in timeline order. Finally (and most obviously) I would release the original cuts of all 6 films that have had changes made to them including the prequels (RotS would be the one exception if it weren’t for the moss on Kashyyyk and the clones yelling in the background on Utapau).