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Bowling for Coruscant
Hi all,

I'd also like to suggest that the focus of this project should be to highlight the preservation fo the original trilogy, and not a personal attack on Geroge, his power or whatever else.

Denigrating George Lucas is not a good strategy to take, we want to play the issue (preservation), not the man (George.)

What if we focus on our love of Star Wars over the last 25 years, why this movie has endured, what people have said about it, why it was so different technically - all these reactions to the movies give us a human view (baseline?) for the originals, thus enabling us to emotively highlight the feelings of betrayal and disappointment we feel with what has been released on DVD.

Focus on what has been "lost" with the changes - the music has changed, the addition of characters, the changes in dialogue that lessen the dramatic impact of the movie. Focus on the "lost" and emphasize the need to "preserve" original works of art

(My personal disappointment with the Greedo-shoots-first revisions is that is lessens the value of Han's sacrifice when he helps save the Rebellion at the flim's ending. By no longer being an uncaring mercenary who can shoot in cold blood, then, it wasn't such a character leap for him to turn around and help the fight against the Empire).

In closing, while I am a total newbie with video editing/production, I have a G4 mac with 1GB of ram that I can volunteer to help with any of the production grunt work. Hey, we can set up our own version fo the SETI project - call it the JEDI project??
