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Idea: Wing Commander III & IV cut scene footage - plus other bits wanted.
A few months ago, I cut together all of the WC4 DVD version footage to get one almost 3-hour-movie. As they are numerous pathes the story can take and as many conversations, your character participates in, have two different endings (depending what you chose), I decided to make 4 different versions of a WC4 movie. In the end I had 4 DVDs, each with a different cut. Of course, someone who has never played the game will miss some of the important story developments which originally happened during the in-game flight sequences. Also the movie includes all of the mission briefings but none of the missions itself. So the scenes jump from mission briefings to scenes which happened after the missions.

I also started cutting together the WC3 movie files. I can tell you, this is a much more challenging work, because of the way the movies are stored on the CD. I already have all of the video ripped from the CD and cut together to single scenes. You seem after you have ripped the video with a special tool (available at wcnews.com), you get hundreds (if not thousands) of small video segments (every shot (camera angle change)) is one segment. I'm so far, that I cut those together to whole scenes. But I didn't finish planning how to cut those scenes together, because the motivation for me wasn't there anymore. You see, the WC3 footage is really low quality and wouldn't be enjoyable on a TV screen. I think it would only be watchable as a avi file in a small Media Player window box on the PC.
The same goes for Prophecy. Also for Prophecy an added problem is, that most of the story is told in the mission briefings, and those aren't filmed sequences anymore in that game. So you would get a totally incomprehensible collection of video clips cut together.