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Allalusus Jay

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When it was just a movie....
Originally posted by: Anchorhead

However, if you'd bother reading anything I've written the last few years, you would see that it's really just the lies Lucas tells about writing the last five films and what little I know about the storyline of the PT.

[ ] So, Lucas lied to you (and us,perhaps) about the Star Wars saga the way Obi-Wan lied to Luke about his father. So, like Luke, we have a choice to continue "the hero's journey" or not. Oh, the irony.

No really, you have to see this! 'How It Should Have Ended' (Star Wars)
Originally posted by: Hoichi, the Earless
Sidenote: A Steaming Pile of Sith

I recently found this & I just had to share.

Hey, Hoichi

Did you catch this last part:

" 1,365,507 dipshits camped out in line for this movie only to realize that it sucks like the other 5.


This @$$hole hate ALL Star Wars movies, not someone who want to agree with.

UNLESS, you brought to our attention so we can laugh AT this guy. Oh yeah.
You've gotta see this!! Vader transformer toy!

Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
No, I'll never turn to the darkside!


To the tFn people, you HAVE turn to the darkside.

If GL was truly devious, he would package this action figure with a copy of the O.O.T on DVD. Then make it where one would have to put this thing front and center of the TV in order for the DVD to play. BRRAHAHAHA!!
I think we REALLY dodge a bullet with Episode III. (read inside..)

Originally posted by: Ell the Ewok
Wasnt Han an Imp who freed Chewie when they were using Wookies to build to Deathstar and ran away?

Yup, Ell, that's what the other sources say (don't know about the building the death star bit, though) . It's a much better origin of their friendship. So, again we dodge a bullet on this one.
I think we REALLY dodge a bullet with Episode III. (read inside..)

Oops, hit the reply button too soon.

If anyone posted this already, my apologizes...

I looked through the "Art of Episode III. Revenge of the Sith" book the other day. In it, it talk about how they originally planned for Han Solo to be raised by Chewbacca on Kaayyakk (sp?). The sidebar was accompanied by drawings of a young Han in brown, leathery outfit of tunic, shorts, leggings,and boots.

Just think about that. It would have been 3 for 3:

!) In Episode I: We learn that Anikin Skywalker--the future Darth Vader---built C-3P0.

2) In Episode II: We learned that Boba Fett was a clone of his father Jango Fett.

3) and now in Episode III....

It was very possible for Lucas to do this. But for whatever reason, he didn't.

Let's breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Star Wars 3-D in 2007

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
Oh, I know. They spell it Luca$ as they sit in their Yoda underoos surrounded by Star Wars merchandise unaware of the irony.

They are the ones who lined Lucas' pockets, and now fault him for it. I hope he's laughing at all of them before eating deep fried gold.

I think the Cassidy hit the nail on the head.
Kevin Smith interview in Rolling Stone on fans - Couldn't have said it better myself...

Two quotes. side-by-side:


This new Vader cycle (the prequels) has split the one-time Old Republic that was Star Wars fandom into two warring factions: the Rebellion, and the normal people with a sense of perspective who don’t need a term from the Star Wars lexicon to define them. The Rebellion is populated by the joyless, cynical ubertrolls who, sadly, take up the most space on the Internet. These are the hollow men and women who marched into the prequels demanding that Lucas recapture their lost Star Wars youth for them – that simple time in their lives when they had the excuse of prepubescence to explain why they were still virgins. With that much investment in make-believe, its little wonder they emerged as more twisted by the dark side than young Skywalker himself. The rest of us who grew in the sixteen years between Jedi and Phantom Menace view the new trilogy for what it is: three movies, not three impossible-to-fulfill expectations of folks who need a bearded billionaire in flannel to dream for them.”

- Kevin Smith, Rolling Stone Magazine Interview, June 2nd 2005


"The original 'Star Wars' movies," said Parker.

"Yeah," echoed Stone. "The feeling I had when I liked it."

"That movie was our religion," said Parker. "It was basically saying, 'Hey, there's this power out there, and we can all sort of tap into it, and it's us and it's everything, and anyone can do this.' And then suddenly the new ones came out, and it's like, 'Well, no, it's all genetics. It's all in your blood.' "
"Horrible," Stone said of the prequels. "Beyond all the wooden acting and the stupid fights and all the terrible scripts, the very core of 'Star Wars' was ruined in these new ones. The idea that you're born with the force is so anti the original 'Star Wars.' Even though George Lucas made them all, he's wrong."

When asked which character they hate the most, Parker doesn't miss a beat: "Anyone in the prequels."
"Anything in any of the new ones," Stone agreed. "They don't exist to me. I don't even know what you're talking about. The new 'Star Wars' don't exist in my reality. Lucas is just an insane guy up in San Francisco now."

Strangely and ironically enough, these two parties don't really disagree with one other. Standing alone, both quotes are 50% right and 50% wrong. But again, together they don't really disagree with one other.

BTW, I consider Kevin Smith and Trey Parker/ Matt Stone are on the same level of excellence as filmmakers.