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The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

Axios said:

my idea: If its possible and you are willing to rotoscope, in the mirror scene where the two silhouettes are becoming one and ultimately are revealed to be REY, in the moment where the two figures become one you could change the silhouetted figure to be hooded or in a cloak, like Sidious.

This is great, I actually got an idea of the exact same scene after having seen TLJ yesterday after seeing TROS twice. For a second or two i actually thought it looked like the shape of Ben Solo/Kylo Ren. My idea was to replace Rey’s face with Ben’s. Making the implication of a greater connection/Force Dyad or maybe adding to the whole reylo thing meaning perhaps Ben could actually be the one she should long for/her “new” family. Thoughts?

Then I saw this and I think this could be an excellent way of using the scene to a greater extent. I guess this could steer her greatest fear away from being a nobody to being afraid of herself and who she actually is. Although one would need to make sure the scene doesn’t imply that Rey got to see the cloaked figure but not the audience.