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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

This version is MUCH better than the theatrical release. Thank you! I love your prequel trilogy edits!

I like how you handled the phone prank with Poe and Hux. I like that the fish-nuns are completely cut, I like how you handled Canto Bight, I like how you handled the Porg giving Chewie the puppy eyes scene(the scene is still needed because it shows Luke sneaking into the Falcon). I like that you cut Luke saying “Nothing you can say…”, I like that you left in the leaf tickle scene, I like the Rey from Nowhere joke, it’s fine. I don’t mind the green milk scene… it shows how young and immature Rey is, and gives her something to work with as far as growing as a character, an adult, a leader, a Jedi, etc.

I would like to see a bit more trimming of terrible jokes though… such as the BB-8 whack-a-mole, followed by a head-butt to the X-wing computer to “fix it”. Other’s have cut it down to BB-8 just using the first arm fix and moving on… and I think it works really well. It helps with the tone of that scene, to convey urgency. He doesn’t have time to goof around on a stupid joke.

Trim the Paige and the remote scene so that the remote doesn’t CLEARLY fall well below the catwalk, with Paige on her back, then a split second later she’s on her stomach and the remote is now suddenly just under the catwalk where she grabbed it… aarrrrgh!

Please trim out Leia slapping Poe.

Also, cutting part of Leia flying in space scene… cut the part where she appears to be a mile out into space, and just use the close-up of her, then show her hand twitch. This makes it look like she’s a lot closer to the cruiser, and within the “shields\protective bubble”, making it a little more believable. That shot clearly shows her WAY outside of the protective shields, due to the background First Order fire hitting the shields. Also, if you can remove her opening her eyes and just as she starts to fly towards the cruiser, cut away to Poe and Finn at the window(their eyes make it look like she’s really close), then cut back to Leia entering the bridge area, flying to the door… This way we can assume that the shields give her SOME protection from the vacuum of space and don’t completely remove us from the immersion of what we’re watching. If you don’t show her open her eyes, it makes it look like the force is saving her or she’s subconsciously saving herself via the force, instead of her using the force herself directly, which she has never done before(other than ‘feeling’ Luke, emotionally). This scene made me yell “OH COME ON!!” in the theater… sigh… It was not a good start to the movie, after watching Poe and Hux goof around on a phone prank and BB-8 head-butt a computer to fix it…

I would like to see the “May the force be with you” between Holdo and Leia at the end cut, and just let Holdo say it. It’s just plain awkward…

I would like to see Finn’s fake out sacrifice completely removed - The crash right in front of the walkers that is completely ignored, Finn dragging Rose on a sled for what looks like a couple MILES(how long was he driving in that mono-ski speeder to get close to that cannon), but then he’s able to just drag her back to the door with nobody noticing or shooting them, the cringe dialogue and kiss - it can all be done away with… just make it look like they turn back when Poe gives the order… Just cut Finn and Rose out of the scene where the cannon blows up the door. Plenty of people are able to remove them from that scene. The debris can be from another speeder or something.

The kid at the end is ok, but I would like to see just the shot of the ring cut out… just have the kid staring off into space, dreaming of leaving that place and maybe joining the Resistance\Rebels. He was just talking about Luke, so we know what he’s thinking at that moment… we don’t need the ‘super awesome decoder ring!’ to tells us what he’s thinking…