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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Faithwyn said:

AScott said:

Is v.2.7 only available on the Spleen site or are the links available at teh usual place I go for Harmy’s other versions?

Not yet uploaded to Spleen… Town32 will update us soon on this.
Read “Harmy’s Despecialized Star Wars 1977 - Color Adjustment Project” thread for details.

Thanks for the info.

Clone Wars Movie Series [Episodes I to V released; Episode IX WIP]

tamale said:

Well I don’t know if the files were uploaded correctly because the 1080p version is only showing up as 5.5GB worth of links, but I have the previous version from a few weeks ago and its 9.5GB. The Ep II 1080p appears to have the same problem.

I’m able to watch the 1080p version of each episode just fine. Not sure what differences there are from the previous version. That’s quite a size difference, though.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

I am new to this world and really appreciate all the hard work the creators of these projects put into them. I’m happy that I can show my kids and their friends what Star Wars looked like and how it captured our imaginations back in the “old days” before CGI took over.

Now to ask my noob question: Is this considered the “grindhouse” version of Star Wars to accompany the Renegade ESB version? I can’t seem to find any Star Wars version that is similarly named (e.g. Renegade, Grindhouse, etc.). I found the Renegade ESB on usenet, but it’s very old and I’ll need to figure out how to get my xsusenet account to download it.

Again, thanks for making Star Wars a great experience for me again.