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***The ADigitalMan non-Star Wars DVD Info and Feedback Thread***

Doctor M ... I did color correct the scenes somewhat.  I can still tell a couple of them but they're not as pronounced as the source material.  I didn't mess with the Ron/Romilda scene, but simply inserted the map scene between Slughorn closing the door in Harry's face and that one.

As for when these will escape into the wild, we'll see.  Superman I'm hesitant on simply because I may re-do it and add in the return to Krypton scene.  I haven't fully decided yet.

I think I'll work on HP7 next.  Considering making it one epic film like an old David Lean film just for giggles.

ADigitalMan's Guide to MPEG2/AC3 Editing

Vegas 11 does a good job editing .ts files.  I've had success with a tool for the Mac called Foxit Video Converter that will convert the .m2ts stream to .ts.  I think DVDFab will do this on the PC itself but I've been running off an expired (read: free) version that has the conversion features disabled.

The rub so far has been that FoxIt downsamples (nicely, but downsamples nonetheless) the DTS audio to AC3.

The nice part is that you can import the .ts file and it map the video stream and the audio stream locked together with the audio channels assigned appropriately.

I'm using Vegas 11 Platinum, not Pro, so my output audio ends up being 5.1 PCM.  Not generally problematic, but a space hog on BD-25s.

So the debits so far are:

1) Downsampled Audio
2) Recompressed video.

It all looks and sounds really good, but isn't the perfect-as-original stuff I've done with Womble and standard-def.  I'm going to play with some other formats, such as converting to AVI instead of .TS and extracting the .DTS streams to WAV.  Then, it's just a matter of getting the seventh and eighth channels to map an encode correctly back into the BR.  Not sure if Vegas 11 handles that yet.  Documentation on Vegas 11 is really bad for such a nice commercial product, so I'm learning as I go.

Still wish I could find a way to do this for a living.  Both editing and teaching how to edit.

***The ADigitalMan non-Star Wars DVD Info and Feedback Thread***

Happy new year folks.  Still busy in the day job, but did some HD editing for my own sanity over the holidays.  I have Wiz of Oz and HP6 completed in 1080p.  I finished Superman Returns in 1080p a couple of years ago but never released it.  I'm contemplating adding in the Return to Krypton scene now that it resurfaced before it ever gets seen.  I haven't invested in the 1080p Superman Boxed Set yet.

I miss the time I used to have to do this and hang out with all of you guys.  I'm hopeful that may change one day soon.  Time will tell.

Until then, keep editing, keep watching, and keep hoping for better stuff!


p.s. I used the U.S. version of Austin Powers on all 3 films.