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Important Questions I need answered about original triliogy about to be released on DVD
Yes folks I am sure these are questions answered elsewhere but that could take hours to try and find, so i am asking for myself.

Like most hardcore fans I really hated most of the changes to the orignial series, which needed no alterations at all. But I am not wanting to debate that now.

What I need to know before buying these again is if other fans can confirm if they are indeed restored to originals based on following including changed dialogue.

1) The Empire Strikes Back, the original image of Emperor is back, not Ian McDarmaid grafted on from Jedi?

2) After Luke picks R2 back up after being spat out of the swamp creature, Luke says "you're lucky you don't taste very good". It was changed as most of us I assumed picked up to "you're lucky to get out of that" I regard this as about worst change done.

3) You don't see the Wampa chewing on bone (which was quite fowl), but enjoy the creepy suspense of him coming back to eat Luke?

4)Return of Jedi David Prowse is rightfully again ghost of Anakin Skywalker?

whomever can answer these for me the force surely is with you.