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Were the original unaltered mono or 2.0/4.0 matrixed sound tracks for the original trilogy on a home release?

From my understanding(please do correct me if I’m wrong) each of them had a mono track(16mm film?), a 2.0/4.0 surround matrixed track(35mm film), and a 6 channel 4.2 surround track(70mm film). And on the 4.x tracks the rear channel surround was split/run into two rear speakers to give the surround more well surrounding. Like i said if im mistaken please correct that.

Now obviously the 6 channel 4.2 track couldnt be on any release until dolby digital audio became a thing on laser discs(even then the .2 would have to both be sent to DD’s .1) and by then lucas was hard a working on the SE release. But were the un altered mono, or matrix 2.0/4.0 on any? I know even in 93 with the definitive edition laser discs I have those were remastered with a mix of the matrixed and 70mm’s 6 channel. Which for all I know could be better than the non 6 channel theatrical tracks but i haven’t been able to know yet. Also dont know anything about releases prior to that 😕

So yeah sorry for rambling… basically were ether of the mono tracks or the matrixed 2.0/4.0 tracks from the GUOT ever released?