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Can I get a link to download?
Can I get a link to download?
Can I get a link? looks great!
I’d also love a link!
Count me among those who need to see this. Please and thank you.
Hello, could I please get a pm?
PM’s sent!
I always get worried about disrupting continuity. I seem to get blamed for that a lot.
Dave Filoni
Thank you!
I watched this last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The only thing I bumped into was the scene where Ahsoka gives Din the beskar spear. I very much enjoyed the removal of Din from Ahsoka’s work on Corvus. It really reminds viewers what a powerful character Ahsoka is.
However the sudden transition from the Ahsoka/Din/Grogu forest scene to the Ahsoka/Din outside the walls of a celebrating Calodan scene was a bit jarring. I know why it was included, but it struck me as odd that the pair would travel from the woods, into town, then back to Din’s ship.
I think that scene could be removed without causing too much of a continuity issue. The scene before; night-time in the forest with Ahsoka/Din/Grogu could flow easily into the morning after; at Din’s ship, preparing to leave. When the spear makes an appearance later in the film, audiences, if they even remember it from the Ahsoka/Morgan fight, would just assume that Ahsoka gave it to Din on Corvus.
You might also consider an earlier cut at the end of the forest scene to remove Ahsoka’s line about ‘testing’ Grogu. We don’t see that testing at all in this edit.
Anyway, this is a great edit. Thank you for making it!
Could I have the link ?
I would love to watch this! Could you PM me a link please?
PM Please 😃
Can you send me a PM please? And if you’ve done the same with season 1, also that?
Could I get a link to this?
May I please recieve link? Currently watching smudgers S1 edit and would love to have a geez towards your S2 iteration ^_^
This sounds awesome! Interesting idea, count me in.
This looks great. I would like a link
Can I get a PM with the link? Thanks in advance and for all the hard work.
Hello everyone!
A few updates on the projects I worked on in the past due to the loss of my hard drive I no longer have the movies I edited however I’m thinking of starting editing again very soon probably after the release of BOBF.
I’ll keep you informed of the progress of my work.
But I’m sorry for all Mando’s fans, the first project to be released will probably be The Sequel Trilogy (‘Never Seen Before Cut’).
I always get worried about disrupting continuity. I seem to get blamed for that a lot.
Dave Filoni
Hello everyone!
A few updates on the projects I worked on in the past due to the loss of my hard drive I no longer have the movies I edited however I’m thinking of starting editing again very soon probably after the release of BOBF.
I’ll keep you informed of the progress of my work.
But I’m sorry for all Mando’s fans, the first project to be released will probably be The Sequel Trilogy (‘Never Seen Before Cut’).
I always get worried about disrupting continuity. I seem to get blamed for that a lot.
Dave Filoni
Could I get a link please
would love a link please, kind regards
This sounds incredible would be really pleased to have the link to this or something.
Can I get a link sir? I love this show and would be very interested to see it in a movie format.
“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”
Could I please get a link for this? It sounds really good!
I hope you’re going to do a Book of Boba Fett movie that is 5 hours.