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This sounds like the perfect edition of the films - just watched them all with my daughter and imagine I ruined them for her by continually saying “this didn’t happen in the book” - would love a link please!
This sounds like the perfect edition of the films - just watched them all with my daughter and imagine I ruined them for her by continually saying “this didn’t happen in the book” - would love a link please!
link please?
I would absolutely love a link for this if you’re still sharing.
Awesome- I have been wanting something like this for a long time! I would appreciate a link if you are still sharing. Thanks!
Pmed all, cheers guys.
All this middle earth hype with the new Amazon show & people asking for links is makin me wanna go back to editing The Hobbit…Maybe later this year I’ll take another look at the project, see if any new ideas come to mind after sitting on a finished release for almost a year.
Just found out about this edit from a youtube comment section, any chance to get a link?
Thank you!
I’ve been mucking about wasting the last two years of my life not knowing about your edit! It sounds fantastic. Any chance of a link?
Love reading your comments and care that you took with this. I grew up on Tolkien and am reading the hobbit to my kids. I would really appreciate the link so I can enjoy this with my family. Ive been trying to skip through much of the movie to keep it accurate so what you have done sounds amazing.
Just recently found out about this edit, too.
Really interested in watching it!
I’ve been trying to download the 1080p with no luck.
A link would be greatly appreciated!
Pmed all, cheers guys.
All this middle earth hype with the new Amazon show & people asking for links is makin me wanna go back to editing The Hobbit…Maybe later this year I’ll take another look at the project, see if any new ideas come to mind after sitting on a finished release for almost a year.
A 3840x2016 cut would be far too pleasing for the common eye. Ignoring the white hues in postproduction which you already ignore in your montage anyway.
I think it is time to explore your sensational Tolkien cut with my Bravia TV, and 7.1 surround sound.
It would be awe inspiring and a definitive four hour edit of Peter Jacksons last entry into Middle Earth.
Sounds great. I’d be thankful for a link for this fan edit in 1080p.
Could I get a link to this as well?
After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.
Thank you, thank you very much! This is an amazing job, and the one who got me to want to watch again the movie(s). You did a very professional editing job indeed. 😃
I have one cuestion. How hard would it be for me (or anyone) to edit the audio tracks of other languages to match your edit? Could you give any indications on where to make the cuts? Or is it too hard for someone not involved in your work to tackle?
I would love to have this edit with the spanish dub. I have no problem whatsoever with english, but I would like to show your cut to my child when he becomes old enough.
I recently slogged it through the hobbit trilogy and it was a chore, I had previously heard of several fan edits so did some research and M4’s seems to be the one that hits all my issues/wants. That being said I haven’t been able to find the right link to give it a look for myself. Link please?
PMed all
Thank you, thank you very much! This is an amazing job, and the one who got me to want to watch again the movie(s). You did a very professional editing job indeed. 😃
I have one question. How hard would it be for me (or anyone) to edit the audio tracks of other languages to match your edit? Could you give any indications on where to make the cuts? Or is it too hard for someone not involved in your work to tackle?
I would love to have this edit with the spanish dub. I have no problem whatsoever with english, but I would like to show your cut to my child when he becomes old enough.
Glad you enjoyed! Unfortunately, it would probably be too hard for you to recreate the audio just because of how much editing there is; new music, new sound effects, and a lot of re-arranging has been done. There are Spanish subtitles included, but I understand the audio dub could be more enjoyable.
Glad you enjoyed! Unfortunately, it would probably be too hard for you to recreate the audio just because of how much editing there is; new music, new sound effects, and a lot of re-arranging has been done. There are Spanish subtitles included, but I understand the audio dub could be more enjoyable.
Yeah, I figured that much. Anyway, I’m willing to give it a spin and see what I can accomplish. My intention is to try to extract only the dialogue without music or effects and try to synchronize that. I don’t know if it’s possible at all, but it’s worth a try.
I would love a link as I am planning on re-watching LOTR extended editions and want an as close as possible to the book edit of the Hobbit!
Sorry to hop on the bandwagon, but could I get a link as well? I’ve been itching to rewatch the hobbit since rings of power/rewatching fellowship, and I’ve heard great things about your edit. Thanks for sharing with the community!
watching “rings of power”(flawed as it is) has inspired me to re-visit the LOTR movies but I couldn’t quite bring myself to watch the hobbit because of all the things you listed in your write up (love triangle, un necessary side plots etc.) Have been looking every where for a fanedit of the type you discribe. any chance that I (like everyone else on this post… haha) could get a link. thanks.
I would love a link to download this, in as high bitrate as possible.
can i get a link?
Pmed all.
Also for anyone new, feel free to message me first - just go to my profile and click start private topic. (don’t want my thread to clutter the forum with only link requests)
Hi, would i be able to obtain a download link and spec list? i’ve heard so much about this and cant wait to give it a watch. it sounds like exactly what ive been looking for as a definitive cut.
sidshady12 said:
Maybe later this year I’ll take another look at the project, see if any new ideas come to mind after sitting on a finished release for almost a year.
Are there any planned changes for the near future or is the current version definitive for the long run?
Thank you, thank you very much! This is an amazing job, and the one who got me to want to watch again the movie(s). You did a very professional editing job indeed. 😃
I have one cuestion. How hard would it be for me (or anyone) to edit the audio tracks of other languages to match your edit? Could you give any indications on where to make the cuts? Or is it too hard for someone not involved in your work to tackle?
I would love to have this edit with the spanish dub. I have no problem whatsoever with english, but I would like to show your cut to my child when he becomes old enough.
Hi. About this question, I can share with you my experience: for this edit and for my private vision, i created the italian dub (@sidshady12 write me if you are interested to add to your edit). It’s long process (it depends how much time do you dedicate, probably in a month you can do it, i worked mostly at the weekends), but it isn’t so hard. What you need are: the audio tracks of the extended version of the movies and the list of changes and cut made by sidshady12 (you can find them here or on his website). What i did is extract the audio track of M4 Book edit and all extended movies and i opened them in Adobe Audition (i think it’s a great program to do this kind of things because you can work on audio adding effects or separate dialogue and backing music). Then i opened the movie on a video player and the original movie on another video player. Then i watched the two movies at the same time, so i can noticed when he made cuts. I suggest to you to maintain the M4 Book Edit’s track as basic track and replace only dialogues parts. Then is easy compiling a new movie edit file adding the track in your language (i used MKVToolnix) and forced subtitle track. The only parts not translated is the final Gandalf’s speech at Thorin’s funeral, that part i left it in english with subtitle. Ask me anything you want.