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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released) — Page 168


Can anyone spare an invite to myspleen? Took my son to watch R1 and now he’s dying to watch the “real” version day…and so am I. Merry Christmas 😃


I recently heard a lot about this project and would love to get a copy of it! I’ve scoured the internet for ages and couldn’t find anything besides that crappy Megashare link.


I am interested in a MYSPLEEN invite specifically. Sick of trying and failing to get all 300-something tiny files downloaded from mega.

Anyone willing to graciously provide me with a Myspleen invite, please?


I am also looking for a MYSPLEEN invite if someone could help me out. Found a link during my usual searches but its 35 gig. Was hoping to find something a bit smaller. Thanks!


scotterg said:

I am interested in a MYSPLEEN invite specifically. Sick of trying and failing to get all 300-something tiny files downloaded from mega.

Anyone willing to graciously provide me with a Myspleen invite, please?

You could get a program like jdownloader or equivalent to get all the files for you.

Kane201 said:

I am also looking for a MYSPLEEN invite if someone could help me out. Found a link during my usual searches but its 35 gig. Was hoping to find something a bit smaller. Thanks!

The SSE 1.6 is 37.54GB.
An invite to myspleen won’t really help that. Unless there are reencoded versions of the SSE there, but I don’t think there are…


Thanks for letting me know, I do appreciate it.


Hi everybody !

Is there a way to find the 1.6 version ?
Read about myspleen here, what is it ?

Plus, is it only available as an iso file ?

Thanks a lot ! 😃


Williarob, is there a new version of the 81 crawl, or is the one you posted in June the final take? I’m planning to swap it out on my ISO, but I want to be sure I have the best version possible before I burn it.

Btw, the 35mm crawl looks awesome!


Despite several more attempts at it I wasn’t able to improve upon it, so that is the best version I have at the moment. I believe Darth Lucas and Yotsuya were also working on projects featuring the '81 Crawl, most notably this one:


Perhaps they had better luck?

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Williarob said:

Despite several more attempts at it I wasn’t able to improve upon it, so that is the best version I have at the moment. I believe Darth Lucas and Yotsuya were also working on projects featuring the '81 Crawl, most notably this one:


Perhaps they had better luck?

That little project has been on hiatus. I kind of have to start over. Thanks to Poita, I have a better version of the starfield (the part that is virtually missing for the 81 crawl found with the SSE). To get everything back the way the many home video versions (as per the LD archived versions of the pan & scan UK LD, the Japanese Special Collection, and the Definitive Edition), it really has to be remastered. The planets are easy to get (I now have a copy of the original matte painting) and the text is a mix of the title from Empire and the crawl from the blu-ray, but the flyover portion is proving difficult, though I have an idea how to do it. Getting the blue engine glow right and recreating the missing final frame don’t help. But a little time and some creative use of software should do the trick. Hopefully I can have something closer to the original soon.


I have my latest version of the crawl chilling on one of my hard-drives somewhere. Not sure where exactly. Not sure if the google drive link to it I posted over in my Custom BD thread some time ago still works or not.


Thanks for the info, guys! I ended up going with Williarob’s crawl since it’s pure 35mm, it seemed to fit the SSE better IMO. Now to burn it, lol. Does anyone have a suggestion for a program to convert it to BD-25? I don’t have any BD-50 discs at the moment, but I plan to get some eventually. I need a quick fix though 😛


Hagdorm said:

Thanks for the info, guys! I ended up going with Williarob’s crawl since it’s pure 35mm, it seemed to fit the SSE better IMO. Now to burn it, lol. Does anyone have a suggestion for a program to convert it to BD-25? I don’t have any BD-50 discs at the moment, but I plan to get some eventually. I need a quick fix though 😛

BD-Rebuilder will do that and leave the menus intact, although I don’t know for sure that it will work on the ISO Williarob has built, or how the compressed video will look. So, mount the ISO and test it out before you burn it (or load the BDMV into software capable of playback, if you have it)! And make sure you do save the original to eventually burn properly. 😃


Man, I haven’t used BD-Rebuilder in ages, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it though. I’ve used DVDFab in the past with good results, but it didn’t seem to like the original ISO. I’ll test out my modified one with BD-Rebuilder and report back. I definitely plan to do a BD-50 later, I just don’t have the spare cash for any at the moment.


This is a bit of an unrelated question, but it is pertained to BD-Rebuilder. Is it possible with the program to replace the main video, but keep the menus and everything else in tact?


Deloreanhunter12 said:

This is a bit of an unrelated question, but it is pertained to BD-Rebuilder. Is it possible with the program to replace the main video, but keep the menus and everything else in tact?

I’ve tried this a few times and the resulting image only seemed to work on my laptop, but not in any real blu-ray player (it fails when loading the replaced video). So I would say it doesn’t patch it to be fully compliant.

Multiavchd will do the trick.

Hagdorm said:

Man, I haven’t used BD-Rebuilder in ages, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it though. I’ve used DVDFab in the past with good results, but it didn’t seem to like the original ISO. I’ll test out my modified one with BD-Rebuilder and report back. I definitely plan to do a BD-50 later, I just don’t have the spare cash for any at the moment.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s optimized for commercial discs, and I also don’t know if Williarob’s seamless branching will throw a wrench in anything either. Worth a shot, though.


BD-Rebuilder loses more than half of the streams when it’s set at anything higher than BD-9. THey just disappear from the list. I’m getting the same results with the original unedited ISO and the one with WIlliarob’s new crawl. Weird.


Usually they just get unchecked, right?

Is it possible that the BD-9 (is it specifically AVCHD?) is not compatible with seamless branching? Going way out on a limb here, but it’s possible that it would therefore need separate streams for both versions of the film, increasing the count for the BD-9?


No, they’re all showing up on BD-5 and 9, it’s under BD-25 and higher that they just fall off the list. They’re not even displayed in the stream list unless it’s set to 5 or 9.


Well, what I meant would have been that the software is smart enough to see that there are two playlists made up by seamless branching. Since it can’t do AVCHD seamless branching (in this scenerio I’ve made up), it instead encodes the film twice as two separate streams, doubling the streams visible to you for the BD5 and BD9 but not the proper blu-ray sizes.

Like I said, it’s a stretch. But it’s a weird thing you’ve noticed and I can’t come up with a better explanation.


Ahh, I see what you mean. That’s entirely possible. I made an attempt last night, but the audio cut out after the 81 flyover switched back to the rest of the film. I didn’t check the 77 flyover. I left off the Spanish track to eke out as much room as I could, that might’ve broken something by changing the streams. I’m going to try again tonight & see what happens.


I suppose it won’t be too surprising if this doesn’t work out. I think I’ve seen a half dozen attempts on myspleen of people ripping it to MKV (just a single crawl version), each stating “okay, this is finally the one to get it right”, only to be deleted and soon replaced with another attempt. Not sure if anyone has actually nailed it yet, and they’ve got their usual error of too many users online.

I’ve had nothing but success watching the actual disc and ISO image for 1.6. But it seems there’s something funky enough with its construction that the standard tools meant to deal with commercial discs, even branching ones, aren’t quite configured for this. As far as I know, this and the Despecialized 2.6 disc I built (thanks to Williarob’s enormous help) are the only two “homebrew” blu-ray discs in existence with seamless branching. Of course, I could be mistaken.


towne32 said:

…I think I’ve seen a half dozen attempts on myspleen of people ripping it to MKV… Not sure if anyone has actually nailed it yet…

There is an MKV version of SSE 1.6 up there btw. Actually, there are 2 (the 2nd one, I think, is the same thing but with a 5.1 audio track added).