Hey people,
Looks like we've been getting some good responses, and most of the issues have been worked out with the blog.
We have a lot of good upcoming posts about audio, comparison clips, and a LOT of information about the screening of the print. This will be very important because we will have an accurate reference of what the scan looks like compared to an actual projection. Yes, it would be nice to have an IB Tech lying around, but even with that as a reference, it's still not as accurate as projecting it, and observing the colors.
We will have a lot more about the differences, contrast and comparisons of them. And of course a lot more previews and sample clips for members.
We hope to have the general admission starting up soon.
In the meantime, if you're a new member at OT, and have only just joined or haven't posted much. You might want to increase your count, and post a message in this thread on some of your star wars background, and why you want to join. Otherwise, we won't know who you are. The people that post more, and have been on this board longer will get the first preference for being admitted.
Thanks again for your support.
Team Negative1