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Please move all discussion, and further comments about the Eastman vs Technicolor version here:
Team Negative1
Edit: But I will add one more teaser, just for the OT crowd.
This video was produced using this technique (plus a little post processing to clean it up a little more), and it only took about a week… It has not been color corrected.
Missing 26 GOUT frames from the start of the reel (these things happen)
and none after that!
However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…
We’ll start a new thread for the Eastman vs Technicolor version when we are ready to discuss more about it.
Team Negative1
Right - we have to finish the LPP first!
Edit: But I will add one more teaser, just for the OT crowd.
This video was produced using this technique (plus a little post processing to clean it up a little more), and it only took about a week… It has not been color corrected.
Wow, that’s gorgeous! Can’t wait for THAT version!
“Stargazing wizards, stare into the night,
Hurricanes and blizzards, here comes the final fight”
Team Negative1
If we locked Eastman and Technicolor in a locked room for two hours, which would survive?
We think both would, and they’d come out with the cutest little TechniEast baby.
Team PG-13
Forum rules
Added to OP:
With these rules in place, we kindly ask that any chiding or mocking of team accounts cease immediately, especially in topics where those team accounts aren’t permitted to post and defend themselves. We consider these posts personal attacks under the existing moderation rules, subject to the same administrative action.
Team Negative1
The current 35mm is quite good, and really showcases what was years of well spent effort. It is funny to think back on how dubious this project was considered for so long, this day was often not expected to ever come, yet it finally has. Not only that, but the impact TN1’s efforts have had on the projects they have shared with has been incredible. The entire Original Untouched Trilogy fan base owes you fathomless gratitude.
… but, with that bit of on-topic said, I’m really excited by what we’ve been shown of the Technicolor process. That done for the whole movie, cleaned up, and hopefully recovering the missing GOUT frames, would really be the ultimately impressive fan preservation.
Edit. Moved to the new thread.
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We consider these posts personal attacks
Team Negative1
Are they really that, though? I thought it was just a funny, lighthearted running gag…
Posted impressions in the new thread.
This is incredible guys. Just…wow…never in a million years did I ever think we’d have such a working facsimile of 1977 presentation…but it’s here…hard to believe, especially as so much looks actually quite familiar to some things in the JSC and others we’ve debated and picked apart all these years.
So v1.5 will add the mono mix? If so…YES!!! The Puggo grande made me a huge mono mix fanboy.
VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:
This preview looks fantastic, thanks! It really shows how ridiculous was Lucasfilm’s decision to use an awful quality master in 2006.
The Original Trilogy’s Timeline Reconstruction: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Implied-starting-date-of-the-Empire-from-OT-dialogue/post/786201/#TopicPost786201
Just one word to TN1 : THANKS !
Is anyone working on syncing Project Threepio french subtitle ? If yes, please PM-me, I’d like to burn it on blu-ray with subs !
Is anyone working on syncing the surround audios to this release?
I assume you’re asking about discrete 5.1-channel GOUT-sync audio. I could be mistaken, but the surround audio appears to be encoded in the stereo mix. Pro Logic will extract the surround info if that’s the case.
Didn’t know about this project until a few days ago, so I downloaded the .MKV file and muxed it for playback on bluray and I was very impressed. The grain I read about wasn’t nearly as bad I thought it would be, and only some shots had it the most. Image detail and color were really great. I really missed the original colors. Sound was great. Maybe on future releases you could encode the stereo surround in DTS Master audio.
Anyway, fantastic job TN1!
Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights
Can’t wait to see this. Don’t have a Myspleen invite, but do have usenet and am downloading it now. What is the password for the usenet file? Thanks!
Done watching SSE35mm, it looks awesome!
I tried a test Blu-ray conversion using AVCHDCoder and the audio was out by 2-3 seconds. ouch!
It’s surprising because all previous movies I’ve converted on AVCHDCoder (inc SW-DE & ESB DE) have been in perfect sink.Any other Blu-ray creators you guys could recommend?
All you need to do is to run the mkv through TSMuxer with output set to Blu-Ray folder.
Then burn it with ImgBurn or any other program supporting Blu-Ray.
Man, you go a week or so without checking the forum and this is what happens =|
Again, I appreciate the work. I just don’t know why we’re going through archaic channels like usenet, private trackers, and .rar when all that does is limit the number of people who have access to it. The only conclusion I could reach, and this has simply been bolstered by the response I was met with here, is a certain sense of elitism and desire for exclusivity among this community, if I may be so bold. You wouldn’t even have to just release it on a public tracker, just release it at the same time as usenet/whatever.
I don’t know how to link to specific posts on this new forum software, but scroll down to TN1’s post on this page: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/team-negative1-star-wars-1977-35mm-theatrical-version-release-details-and-updates/id/14590/page/107
“limit[ing] the number of people who have access to it” is kind of the point =) Inevitably, it will reach anyone who needs it, on any virus-infested sea-faring public tracker you could desire. This is how things work around here.
This signature uses Markdown syntax, which makes it easy to add formatting like italics, bold, and lists:
Thanks for the support and on-topic comments everyone. As long as they are about the project, we will continue to post updates, and answer questions.
If posts that are not related to the project, or are off-topic keep appearing, we will continue to report them, and suggest others do also.
We would like discussion to be about this project, thanks.
We are still working on an minor updated version, and also progress on the Bluray version will continue to be our main focus.
We did not post to usenet, so we are not in control of that version. Sorry about that.
Thanks to the members that have made their own audio cuts, and synching projects available to others.
Team Negative1
Thanks, can somebody invite me to MySpleen? Thanks again.
Done watching SSE35mm, it looks awesome!
I tried a test Blu-ray conversion using AVCHDCoder and the audio was out by 2-3 seconds. ouch!
It’s surprising because all previous movies I’ve converted on AVCHDCoder (inc SW-DE & ESB DE) have been in perfect sink.Any other Blu-ray creators you guys could recommend?
All you need to do is to run the mkv through TSMuxer with output set to Blu-Ray folder.
Then burn it with ImgBurn or any other program supporting Blu-Ray.
Thx FreaQ
I’ll try that
I’m also trying Leawo Blu-ray Creator, it’s pretty good except I don’t think it allows chapters
What is the password for the usenet file?
I believe it’s the same rar set which Harmy uploaded to uloz.
In any case, it has the same password: negative1
However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…
Thanks again, TN1, for all your efforts!
I was studying this fantastic preservation and I just noticed that the stormtroopers’ shot at 1:04:05 looks almost as washed out as in Reliance’s preview (except for its blue tint and different contrast). So that’s how it was intended to look? What do you guys think?
P.S.: For comparison, here's mverta’s video on that shot with his own preview included.
The Original Trilogy’s Timeline Reconstruction: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Implied-starting-date-of-the-Empire-from-OT-dialogue/post/786201/#TopicPost786201
I made an extra Blu-ray cover as an alternative to the existing ones provided with the download.
~ It will fit a full Blu-ray case.
any improvement suggestions welcome
Done watching SSE35mm, it looks awesome!
I tried a test Blu-ray conversion using AVCHDCoder and the audio was out by 2-3 seconds. ouch!
It’s surprising because all previous movies I’ve converted on AVCHDCoder (inc SW-DE & ESB DE) have been in perfect sink.Any other Blu-ray creators you guys could recommend?
All you need to do is to run the mkv through TSMuxer with output set to Blu-Ray folder.
Then burn it with ImgBurn or any other program supporting Blu-Ray.Thx FreaQ
I’ll try that
I’m also trying Leawo Blu-ray Creator, it’s pretty good except I don’t think it allows chapters
Be careful as I imagine many other software packages will try to re-encode the video for no real reason.
What is the password for the usenet file?
I believe it’s the same rar set which Harmy uploaded to uloz.
In any case, it has the same password: negative1
Thanks! The movie turned out really great! Great job TN1!
Cool cover!